Reuters Promotes AOC’s Merch Store Like It’s Real News

Now that Trump is gone, fake news doesn’t pay the bills but Reuters may have found a way to make up some of that revenue loss. The wire service spent yesterday tweeting over and over again about how dingbat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a merchandise store and tried to pass it off as newsworthy. The only possible explanation for this is that Reuters is getting a cut of the profits by promoting AOC’s shitty merch.

Things started off innocently enough:

Then it got repetitive:

Plus a thread:

Then it got kind of spammy:

Wait, does AOC have an online store? This is the first I’ve heard of this.

Reuters wouldn’t touch the Hunter Biden laptop story with a ten-foot fake news pole, but they sent 11 tweets promoting AOC’s merch store. Is it any wonder people don’t trust the media?

This story takes a funny turn because former White House press secretary Sean Spicer chimed in:

Because of her ego and status as a perpetual victim, AOC hit back in a dumb way:

Is it weird that someone with a degree in economics has no idea what capitalism is? According to the heavily-promoted Reuters article, she is using the profits from the merch sales to finance her reelection campaign. In addition, she pays a for-profit company to make this merchandise. There’s certainly a lot more capitalism going on here than she cares to admit.