OH DANG! This Hillary Cheney ad airing in Wyoming is BRUTAL. You’ll love it.

This is a fantastic ad—smart, effective, true, and mean-girls appropriate. What more can you ask for from a political ad? This from therightscoop.com.

The Club For Growth is airing it in Wyoming attacking RINO Liz Cheney and it nails here to the wall. I mean it is right on the money, y’all.


Click HERE to view campaign ad.


From The Hill:

Star-Tribune reports that Club for Growth spent over $40,000 on the ad: $13,720 on TV ad slots, around $9,000 on production costs and $18,000 on digital ads. The ad is set to run around primetime on NBC each night during the Olympics, including opening and closing ceremonies, and on digital networks in the Casper and Cheyenne markets, the news outlet reported.

Between this and President Trump speaking accurately about her, it’s hard to imagine how Lizzy can survive the primary.