Politics, Covid-19, and A Biased Media Caught Covering for Biden and Harris

Politics and the Covid-19 virus–where does the one stop and the other begin? Adapted from an article on redstate.com.

And the same question for politics and the Covid-19 vaccinations–is there overlap and if so how deep does it go?

Read on for answers.

President Trump was the force behind the prompt development and successful marketing of not one but three Covid-19 vaccines in America, in record time.

Do you remember what the democrats were saying about the Covid-19 vaccines prior to the November 2020 election?

Keep in mind the democrats are now pushing hard for everyone to be vaccinated. They set a goal of 70 percent of the population to be vaccinated by July 4th. And they offered rewards to those who volunteered for the vaccination.

But they didn’t even come close to achieving that goal. And now they’re leveling threats and going so far as to ostracize non-vaxers. They’re also seeing to it the unvaccinated are fired from theirs jobs, disallowed involvement in social settings, removed from schools, and lose scholarships. Further, they’re blaming the unvaccinated for the rise in Covid infection rates and they’re threatening forced vaccinations.

Again, do you recall what the democrats were saying about “Trump’s Vaccine” prior to the election?

BELOW watch and hear how Biden and Harris addressed the Covid-19 vaccine prior to the stolen election.

What did this sound like to you?  I heard: “If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

However, as we expected, the Left Stream Media are covering for Biden and Harris. Read below the spin which has been worked up.

From PolitiFact:

“Video clips appear to show Joe Biden and Kamala Harris raising doubts about COVID-19 vaccines, but they were raising concerns about the rollout by then-President Donald Trump, not the vaccines themselves.” The story is from June 16, 2021.

From Fox News:

PolitiFact contributing writer Tom Kertscher insisted the clips used in the video were “selectively edited to take the statements out of context.”

“The parts that are left out make clear that Biden and Harris were raising questions not about the vaccines themselves, but about then-President Donald Trump’s rollout of the vaccines and the risk that the effort would become rushed or politicized,” Kertscher wrote on Friday.

So for example, here are two of the quotes, with Politifact’s added context. Is there a clean up for Joe Biden going on here? The bolded part is what was in the video and the rest is the added “context.”

“Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach. I — no, I will not take his word.”

“The way he (Trump) talks about the vaccine is not particularly rational. He’s talking about it being ready, he’s going to talk about moving it quicker than the scientists think it should be moved … . People don’t believe that he’s telling the truth, therefore they’re not at all certain they’re going to take the vaccine. And one more thing: If and when the vaccine comes, it’s not likely to go through all the tests that need to be done, and the trials that are needed to be done.”

As Newsbusters indicates:

They may have left out the Trump critique, but they didn’t change the words of what was said or the context — which was to sow doubt about the vaccines if Trump was involved. Indeed, what this shows was how political their attacks really were. But it doesn’t change the fact that they were sowing doubts about the vaccines.

By the way, PolitiFact? Trump never said to inject bleach. You might want to fact-check Harris on that.

According to Fox: 

PolitiFact has done only 13 fact-checks on Biden in his first 100 days, 106 others ‘defending’ him.

Again, do politics and Covid-19 overlap?

Debatably politics was involved in the Biden/Harris expressed distrust of the vaccine. And I believe politics is now involved in the push to have everyone vaccinated. There may be additional rationale, however, politics is seemingly behind the push. Also the bias here in the reporting of the Biden/Harris response is as troublesome as the national debt.

Final note: I intend to pass on the vaccination for a host of reasons, but I now have the additional rationale of politics and politicians being involved. However, this certainly won’t do me any good if I’m bum rushed, held down, and force vaccinated.

Steven Segal perhaps said it best: “I’ve always tried to avoid politics because most politicians that I know are quite dirty in terms of human dignity, ethics and morals.”

I agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly and wanted to share it with you.