Racism Alert: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Says All Blacks And Latinos Are Poor

This would be problematic if Andrew Cuomo was a Republican. The New York Governor has declared that all blacks and Latinos are poor. This racist proclamation came as he was trying to prove that the coronavirus is racist, which is about right for the semi-closed racists of the democratic party. While pointing their accusing fingers at the racism of others, they inevitably let their own racism slip out. Luckily they have a friendly liberal media and a braindead base who will never call them out on this stuff.

While the rest of the country is working hard to beat the coronavirus, New York, the epicenter of the pandemic, is trying very hard to get the virus classified as a hate crime. Both NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo want people to focus on the idea that coronavirus is racist and not that their response to the pandemic has been terrible.

During his daily briefing, Cuomo spent a lot of time on the racism of coronavirus:

“Why are more African Americans and Latinos affected?” Cuomo asked.

Cuomo immediately followed that question with another, that would run him out of office if he wasn’t a democrat:

“You know, it always seems that the poorest people pay the highest price. Why is that?” Cuomo asked.

The sum total of these 2 questions is that Cuomo just called every black and Latino in the country poor. Actually, not just poor, but the poorest of the poor. The Governor of New York thinks being black or Latino means being a destitute loser. If President Trump said this, there would be a major liberal freak-out that would last well into his 2nd term.

Cuomo kept this garbage going by saying that Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was also racist.

“Whatever the situation is, natural disaster, Hurricane Katrina. The people standing on the rooftops were not rich white people,” Cuomo said.

And again:

“Why is it the poorest people always pay the highest price?” Cuomo asked.

According to Cuomo, black and Latino equals poor and white equals rich. Poor white people and successful minorities would beg to differ, but again Cuomo is a liberal so he won’t face any criticism for this racist stereotyping.

Cuomo doesn’t know the answers to these questions, but he did promise to waste resources in a time of crisis to find out.

“Let’s figure it out. Let’s do the work. Let’s do the research. Let’s learn from this moment and let’s learn the lessons and let’s do it now,” said Cuomo.

New York and more specifically NYC is getting hammered by the coronavirus, but Gov. Cuomo thinks the effort right now should be to find out why the coronavirus is so damn racist. I can see why democrats are clamoring to have Joe Biden pick Cuomo as his running mate: he’s just as batshit crazy.

The funny thing is, if Cuomo actually wastes time and money to find out why minorities have slightly higher infection and mortality rates with the coronavirus, he’s not going to like the answers:

Lot’s of minorities live in densely populated cities with shitty liberal governance.

Many of these minorities don’t follow the rules of staying at home and social distancing.

Too many minorities rely on the government, which means when everything goes to shit, they’re swimming in it.

To answer Cuomo’s question as to why the coronavirus is affecting more minorities in NYC, it’s because democrats have failed them and they have failed themselves. It’s a perfect parasitic relationship.

As for Cuomo’s other question about why so many black people in New Orleans chose not to evacuate before Katrina, I’m at a loss. I am hoverer sure it’s not because hurricanes are racist.