Possibly the most incompetent elected democrat in office today, despite having dangerously too many likely nominees from which to choose, Oregon Governor Kate Brown, signed a new law allowing students to graduate from high school without first proving they can read, write, and perform basic math skills. Note, though, the purpose of school is to learn these things then prove competency by way of testing, right? This from thegatewaypundit.com.
This effectively makes a diploma from a high school in the state of Oregon problematic at best–for the students and for placement counselors. If Governor Brown believes she is providing a benefit for anyone, she is foolishly mistaken. She is setting up for failure individuals and entire institutions. Those who are unable to perform certain basic skills are problems to themselves and to society as a whole.
Announcement of the passage of this law is advising would-be employers and advanced school placement counselors that Oregon high school graduates must be skills and knowledge tested before being accepted. The announcement of the passage of this law is also informing educators that remedial education programs must be anticipated, curricula must be written, and the hiring of remedial teachers must be accomplished. All, of course, at additional cost. And from where would Governor Brown propose this added cost be derived–each particular individual in need or perhaps the taxpayers of her state?
One question comes to mind: Is Governor Brown colluding with D.C. democrats to diminish this great nation of the United States of America? I ask this because I believe she, by way of signing this new law, is admitting Oregon public schools are not meeting required national standards and rather than address the problem she is passing it on to employers and other places of learning. This governor is saying that Oregon has an intolerable number of students who are not meeting minimum standards upon completion of high school and must be passed on to be dealt with elsewhere.
Who in their right mind can support this work? Marxist Oregon may be creating a labor force of uneducated automatons, unquestioning performers of menial tasks, offering no suggestions, asking no questions, and not smart enough to cause any problems. Marxism defined, yes?
Oregon Governor signs new law allowing students to graduate without proving they can read, write, or do mathhttps://t.co/OtN7Vasxdb
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) August 9, 2021
An Oregon high school diploma does not guarantee that students who earned it can read, write or do math at a high school level.
Governor Kate Brown dropped the requirement that students demonstrate they have achieved those essential skills by signing Senate Bill 744 into law. She declined again Friday to comment on why she supported suspending the proficiency requirements, reported OregonLive.The bill was not entered into the legislative database until July 29, a departure from the standard practice of updating the public database the same day a bill is signed. Charles Boyle, the governor’s deputy communications director, said the governor’s staff told legislative staff the same day the governor signed the bill.
Boyle said in an emailed statement that suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of colour.”
Again, this is a demonstration of incompetence from the governor down to the students. And it is wrong in so many ways. This law is another prime example of democrats mislabeling a problem then devising a correction which fails to solve the problem, rather it creates a new problem or problems.