Registered Democrat Is Latest ‘Trump-Supporter’ Convicted For January 6 ‘Insurrection’

Democrats and the liberal media keep telling us that Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6 but so far most of the major players have turned out to be radical leftists. In the latest unimpressive prosecution in the “deadly insurrection” a registered democrat pled guilty to illegal parading. I’m sure they are saving up all the white supremacist and right-wing terrorist trials for sweeps month.

Robert Maurice Reeder, 55, of Maryland leaded guilty to the silly charge of illegal parading for his role in the mild January 6 Capitol protests. In a fun fact, as reported by Law & Crime, it turns out he’s not exactly a hardcore Trump supporter:

“Mr. Reeder is not politically active, is not and has never been a member of any right-wing or anti-government or extremist group and has, unfortunately, been publicly grouped with many others who views he abhors. Mr. Reeder is a registered Democrat, and was not a Trump supporter,” said Reader’s attorney.

And yet, Reader was seen wearing a MAGA hat as he was illegally parading in the Capitol. Early on, Def-Con News pointed out that many of the so-called insurrectionists were actors. Remember when the colonists dressed up like Indians and dumped tea in the Boston harbor? On January 6, leftists dressed up like Trump supporters and breached the Capitol.

Is it weird that so many democrats and leftists participated in the “right-wing insurrection” on January 6? Yeah, it is because Pelosi and crew are selling this as a Trump-supporter attempt to overthrow the government. That’s clearly a lie:

Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot to death by a Capitol police officer, was a proud Obama supporter.

John Sullivan, the man who filmed the Babbitt shooting, is a Black Lives Matter activist and actor.

Jacob Chansley, AKA Jake Angeli, AKA the QAnon Shaman, AKA the Buffalo Guy is an eco-terrorist, a Black lIves Matter supporter, and an actor.

Sometimes looking at the end result helps unravel the mystery. In November 2020, democrats straight-up stole the White House and control of the Senate. Thanks to the January 6 “deadly insurrection” it is now essentially illegal to question the results of that election. Cui bono? Who benefits from that? Certainly not Trump, Republicans, or Trump supporters.

On January 6, Congress was set to certified the stolen election and many Republicans planned to object and had solid cases for objecting. Thanks to the “deadly insurrection” that never happened and Biden was installed in the White House. Again, who benefits? It certainly looks like the democrats made out pretty damn good on that one.

As an added bonus, democrats have used January 6 to silence critics, purge opposition, and further consolidate their stolen power.

We know that Nancy Pelosi turned down extra security on January 6, despite warnings that something might go down. The Capitol police opened the doors of the Capitol and welcomed in the insurrectionists. Many of those insurrectionists were radical liberal activists and crisis actors pretending to be Trump supporters. It ain’t tin-foil hat territory to suggest that January 6 was a democratic party operation.

Am I trying to say there were no genuine Trump supporters at the Capitol on January 6? Absolutely not. They were there too but got caught up in a trap laid by power-hungry democrats.