Joe Biden Is Unfit for Office, and Republicans Have a Choice to Make

Yesterday was one of the darkest days the United States has suffered in the last two decades. It opened with suicide bombings disrupting the already bungled evacuation attempt in Afghanistan. This from

The latest count is that at least 13 American soldiers have perished, with at least 90 Afghans, including many women and children also killed.

For nearly eight hours, the President of the United States remained silent. Shockingly, even as the death toll rose, we heard nothing. No written statement offering condolences for their deaths ever came. The White House couldn’t even muster a quick show of empathy via Joe Biden’s Twitter account. Once again, it became patently obvious that we simply don’t have a president.

Then, Biden finally emerged. He showed up 25 minutes late for the most important presser of his life–to respond to the deadliest day for the military in over a decade. And his “performance ranged from cold to defensive to incoherent.”

When pressed on what will happen to the Americans who remain trapped in Afghanistan, Biden admitted that they would be left behind, only offering a passing promise that we’d work to extract them by other means.

To call what happened today a dereliction of duty would be too kind.

This is a man who isn’t cognizant enough to even be derelict because that would require some semblance of awareness, and to be honest, I’m not sure Biden knows where he is most of the time. This is a man who is so out of it that it’s clear that his constant tardiness is likely not a choice, but a necessity, given his physical condition.

It is now tragically obvious for all to see that Biden is unfit for office.

So, what now? Unfortunately, there are no easy answers. But for Republicans, there are answers nonetheless. Without control of the House, the GOP cannot start hearings and investigations to figure out what went into the series of incompetent, inexcusable decisions that led us to this moment of national disgrace.

But what they can do is call for impeachment. They can call for Biden’s resignation. They can start finally talking about his clear mental and physical decline. But will any of that lead to his removal? Likely not, however, this is the time to take a strong position.

The GOP does not need a majority to file articles of impeachment. They certainly don’t need a majority to get in front of a camera and point out that Biden is suffering from some combination of senility and dementia. I realize those are things that many Republican politicians are averse to discussing. After all, conservatives typically don’t like to rock the boat. They don’t like to be bombastic. They don’t like to take a position that might elicit some semblance of heat in return.

But to do nothing is to risk the well being of our nation.

Below is an example of doing nothing by dodging contention and parroting platitudes:

What a worthless piece of sh*t that comment was and what a worthless pos the mittster is.

Republicans MUST now make a choice of what to do about the elephant in the room–Biden. They MUST put cordiality aside and they MUST get dirty. It might mean having CNN say bad things about them. And it might mean having to actually fight for a change, for the survival of our nation. But so be it. And we know RINOs like limp d*ck Mitt won’t do it. That’s a given.

It’ll have to be one, preferably a cadre, of Republican conservative senators. Some that come to mind: John Kennedy of LA, Rick Scott of FL, Tim Scott of SC, Ron Johnson of WI, Josh Hawley of MO, Tom Cotton of AR, and perhaps Ted Cruz of TX.

Oh, and I’d be remiss to leave out Marsha Blackburn from TN. She’s a real fireball with an apparent greater amount of testicular fortitude than others like Lindsey Grahamnesty from SC, Ben Sasse of NE, or Mitch McC from KT.

The time for bashfulness is over. We the People are watching, and we want accountability. We certainly will not forget what has happened and what brought us here. If Republicans can’t unite around a singular call for Biden’s ouster, after everything that has occurred, then the GOP is lost.