The driver was heading down the highway going 80 miles per hour, when they hit something on the road, in northern Italy. After inspecting the damage, they were no doubt shocked to discover they’d hit a dog—which was still alive.
Incredibly, despite being hit at high speeds, the white pooch had become wedged in the car’s grill, and was virtually unscathed.
Jimmy Dotti, who works with the Italian Veterinary Ambulance, snapped a photo of the incredible sight after arriving at the scene.
He shared a post to Facebook last Wednesday, along with two snaps.
It says, translated from Italian: “This microchipped dog was hit on the highway in the Mondovi Municipality by a car that traveled 130 km away, broke the airborne grid and completely entered the engine compartment where the aluminum radiator folding at crib.
“Moved to an emergency clinic [the] accident caused several fractures but he’ll be fine. AVI [Ambulanze Veterinarie Italia] will pay for all the veterinary expenses for orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation and once he’s restored he’ll be looking for a family for this lucky dog (considering how he could have ended!)”
He added they decided to call the dog Paraflu. A few days after the original post Dotti provided people with an update on Paraflu, who showed the dog was up and walking, albeit with a small yellow cast on its left foreleg.
Look closely. Dog is wedged in the grill cavity.
Translated from Italian, it said: “No brain, neurological or spinal damage. Surgery can be performed to reduce the fracture of humerus dx. A health walk for this dog rock!!”
In the heart-warming snaps Paraflu can be seen looking content with his tongue hanging out, as he takes a stroll in the sunshine.
More than 1,000 people commented on the original post, calling Paraflu’s lucky escape a miracle.
Translated from Italian, Nia Jagger wrote: “These I call them miracles… thanks to whoever watched the little Paraflu.”
Enza Mancuso praised the team, saying: “Great Jimmy Dotti and thanks to the veterinary ambulance volunteers.”
Roberta Madella Amadei raved: “You are a fantastic team.”
While Francesca Gross simply said: “A miracle!!!”
Andrea Orsini thought: “It seems impossible to me that he is still alive!”
And Renata Rosso added: “Congratulations for the work you do and a wish for healing to the poor creature.”