Dog Rescued—Owner Had Been Dead Nearly A Month

A dog was rescued from an Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, house after its owner had been dead for nearly a month.

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Click HERE for video–dog rescued, owner dead nearly month

In May, Oklahoma County deputies went to a home in Luther where they learned that a 64-year-old man had been dead for nearly a month.

Deputies also found a dog named Gunner in a backyard pen.

The sheriff’s office said Gunner survived the ordeal by drinking rainwater and eating a small amount of food left behind.

His muscles were so weak that he could barely stand, and he was covered with fleas and ticks.

Deputies contacted the Bella SPCA Rescue Center, and the facility nursed Gunner back to good health.

On Tuesday, a member of the owner’s family adopted Gunner.

Bella SPCA officials said:

Gunner is already making friends with his new sister and settling into his new life in Texas.

Final thought, a note of caution: We all should be occasionally checking in on one another. A week is a long time to go unmissed, but a month doesn’t make any sense.