Biden Just Referred To Senior Advisor Cedrick Richmond As ‘Boy’

When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Biden is a creepy pervert, a grossly incompetent mush-brain, and most of all a racist. In the latest proof of Biden’s raging prejudice against black people that will be thoroughly ignored by the liberal media, Joe referred to his senior advisor Cedrick Richmond as “boy.”

It took Biden weeks to respond to the crisis he created in Afghanistan and even when he did, it was underwhelming. Trying to appear like he’s in charge, Biden put together a virtual roundtable to address Hurricane Ida. Things didn’t start well:

After forgetting the name of FEMA director, Deanne Criswell, Biden introduced his senior advisor, Cedrick Richmond :

“And I’m here with my senior advisor and boy who knows Louisiana very very well, man, and New Orleans, Cedrick Richmond,” said Biden with a smirk.

Yes, Cedrick Richmond is black and Biden just referred to him as “boy.”

Here’s a Brief history of The Racial Customs and Rules of Racial Behaviour in Jim Crow America:

Blacks were expected to refer to white males in positions of authority as “Boss” or “Cap’n”–a title of respect that replaced “Master” or “Marster” used in slave times. Sometimes, the white children of one’s white employer or a prominent white person might be called “Massa,” to show special respect. If a white person was well known, a black servant or hired hand or tenant might speak in somewhat intimate terms, addressing the white person as “Mr. John” or “Miss Mary.”

All black men, on the other hand, were called by their first names or were referred to as “Boy,” “Uncle,” and “Old Man”–regardless of their age. If the white person did not personally know a black person, the term “nigger” or “nigger-fellow,” might be used. In legal cases and the press, blacks were often referred to by the word “Negro” with a first name attached, such as “Negro Sam.”

And here’s CNN, yes CNN, explaining why this is bad:

Understanding why you don’t call a black man a boy

For those who think that African Americans are too sensitive over this issue, and it’s just a well-meaning person making a mistake, I understand that. But others must understand the history of African Americans, and what it has always meant to black men for someone to call them a “boy.”

One, it’s the ultimate sign of disrespect, and is often more offensive than calling them the N-word. For years black men were summarily dismissed and treated with disregard. It was as if their stature was diminished when someone white called them a boy. I’ve heard black men describe the hurt and pain of growing up and having someone white call them a boy in front of their own child.

Worse than the N-word, huh? Well, Biden uses that too.

Biden has also referred to other black people as “boy” including civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson.

In 1984, then-Senator Biden delivered a passive/aggressive compliment to Jackson, saying, “That boy ain’t no dummy.”

The rule is that it is worse than the N-word for a white superior to refer to a black adult subordinate as “boy.” Biden is black subordinate Cedrick Richmond’s white superior and he called him “boy” so why isn’t this racist? Why isn’t there wall-to-wall outrage on the news and riots in the streets?

The answer is simple: Because Biden is a democrat. Things are only racist when the other guys do them. If Trump called a black guy “boy” it would be proof of his white supremacy but when Biden does it, it gets swept under the rug.

In fact, that CNN piece about “boy” being worse than the N-word was written by Roland S. Martin. He uploaded a version of Biden’s Hurricane Ida roundtable and cut out the part where Biden called Richmond a “boy.”