Is Susan Rice Really Running The Show?—Richard Grenell Provides His Proof

Richard Grenell has always said Susan Rice is running the ‘White House’ show, and now he gives his proof. This from

For seven months now, people (conservatives) have wondered who the hell is running this dog & pony show known by patriot deplorables as The Regime.

It’s a circus full of clowns, but who is the “top bozo?”

Well, Trump loyalist Richard Grenell has always said that he knows who it is–and the person who he claims is the puppet master is disgraced liar Susan Rice.

This just might make sense. Rice is an Obama stooge who will do literally anything for the cause.

She’ll lie, cheat, and steal, to make sure her team wins–we’ve seen her in action.

Well, now, Grenell, the former Acting Director of National Intelligence, says that he’s put the pieces of the puzzle together and has his “proof” now that she’s the one pulling the strings.

Here’s what Grenell said:

“Washington, DC newsrooms like to hide facts that matter: Susan Rice’s deputies when she was Obama’s National Security Advisor were Anthony Blinken and Avril Haines. Susan Rice is pulling the strings.”

To familiarize you, Avril Danica Haines is an American lawyer and senior government official who currently serves as the Director of National Intelligence in The Regime.

Two TOP key spots in The Regime, who are both closely tied to Susan.