Florida Diner That Asked Democrat Regime Supporters To Eat Elsewhere Gets So Much Business They Ran Out Of Food

This is a positive article for a Saturday morning.

A Florida diner that recently placed a sign on their door asking The Regime supporters to eat elsewhere has seen a massive boom in their business. This from thegatewaypundit.com.

So many people have gone to the diner in recent days that they actually ran out of food.

That is fantastic. Good on them. God speed.

A Florida diner that posted a sign telling democrat regime supporters to take their business “elsewhere” was forced to temporarily close after not having enough food to meet a surge in demand.

Good on this business for taking a stand and then for standing strong!

And thank you veterans for your service and for supporting this diner.

Likewise, thank you deplorables for supporting this diner.

Is there anyone in America who still sincerely believes the recent presidential election was legitimate? FOOLs! All of you very few.

I sense conservatism is fighting back and I sense the conservative movement will continue to grow.

God speed deplorables.