Al Sharpton Brings Race Hustle To The Border And Texans Tell Him To GTFO

Earlier this week, pictures and video of Border Patrol agents not whipping Haitian illegal aliens had liberals freaking out and claiming that we can’t believe our own eyes. Maxine Waters went so far as to say these “whippings” were worse than what she saw during the slavery times. It ain’t a proper racial shitshow however without Al Sharpton so he headed down to the border ply his race hustling skills.

Al Sharpton and other “faith leaders” took a tour of the illegal alien camp under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas. He tried to give a speech but it didn’t go well because protesters told him to GTFO:

It’s really hard to tell what Sharpton is saying over the protesters, so this is the best I could do:

He called the actions of the Border Patrol agents a, “catastrophic unhuman disgrace.”

Yes, “unhuman.”

He then made reference to the Border Patrol agents whipping Haitian illegal aliens, saying it compelled him to come.

“The Trump supporters and right wingers can scream all they want, we gone continue to come back and stand with our people to make sure that asylum is treated in one way and one manner and we will continue to come back over and over again,” said Sharpton.

Considering that this is his first visit, he isn’t continuing to come back. He has to leave and then return to do that but clearly words are meaningless to this man. in fact:

“For people to be treated like this, in a humane way, and for people to feel they can use weaponization of horses to treat human beings should be resisted,” said Sharpton.

He does realize that treating people in a humane way is good thing, right? Also WTF? does he mean that the weaponization of horses to treat human beings should be resisted? Honestly, I have no idea but it kind of sounds like a medical thing. Like maybe some kind of vaccine was made from weaponized horses and it was used to treat afflicted human beings. Whatever it is, Sharpton is against it.

“We want Border Patrol to be fully investigated, we want those involved to be brought to justice and we want to see full asylum rights given to those who deserve it,” demand Sharpton.

Brought to justice for what? Here Sharpton is calling for convictions of phantom crimes before any investigation takes place. Also, if he would just look at then pictures and videos, he’d see no Border Patrol agent whipped any Haitians.

Sharpton is getting on in years and his race hustle isn’t as potent as it once was, but he did finish up by alluding to the idea that Haitians are treated worse than Mexicans because they are black:

“We cannot have a double-standard at the border. We will not tolerate it, we will not have it, and we will not be silent about,” said Sharpton.

But then because of the protesters, Sharpton turned tail and ran, refusing to take questions from the press, so he was instantly silent about it.

The protesters were awesome, but this guy is my favorite:

“Hopefully, all the money you make, maybe you’ll pay your taxes this time around,” said the man.


“I’m a Hispanic and a conservative and I don’t trust you as far as I could throw you.”

The thing is, I got the impression that all or most of the protesters were Hispanic, not Trump supporters and right-wingers like Sharpton claimed.

Sharpton’s entire speech was two and half minutes and half of that time was spent introducing the people he brought with him. This qualifies as his worst attempt yet at race hustling. Maybe he should admit that he ain’t got it anymore and hang it up.