PILGRIMAGE TO BIDENLAND: Panama President Announced at the UN General Assembly That More Than 80k Migrants Traveled Through His Nation This Year.

Panama President Laurentino Cortizo announced at the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday that more than 80,000 migrants have traveled through his nation this year. This from thegatewaypundit.com.

In total, more than 1.3 million illegals and fake refugees entered the U.S. southern border this year.

Panama En Minutos reported:

The National Migration Service (SNM) clarified that there are no anomalies in the expenses allocated to the migrant population, and assured that they are invested in food, health care and accommodation that are provided to migrants housed in the Migratory Reception Stations of the provinces of Darién and Chiriquí.

According to the entity, in 2021 88,514 migrants have entered the Darien jungle who have been cared for by the State, due to their vulnerable conditions.

For all of the above, the National Migration Service considers it a priority to “strengthen the infrastructure and humanitarian assistance in the receiving communities and the Migratory Reception Stations of Lajas Blancas and San Vicente, while continuing to develop projects and adjustments in the Migration Reception Station of The Plans of Gualaca, Chiriquí ”, so this 2021 the project for the construction of new facilities in Gualaca was presented, however, budget cuts resulting from the pandemic did not allow it to be included.

Understandably these migrants are seeking something they do not have in their home countries. But is this “pilgrimage” necessary? These travelers will experience much hardship and many will not survive the journey. And there is no certainty they’ll achieve what it is they seek.

In the original article, Jim Hoft called this the “Biden Effect.” And Biden will certainly take any credit that his sycophant media fabricate (obviously he’ll refute any blame handed out), however, the BIG money backers of the democrat machine, Soros et al, are in all actuality the likely cause of much of the Western Hemisphere’s human migration.

Quite a human cost–all to achieve the destruction of America, yes?

So, as a final thought, what do you think will be an appropriate epitaph for George Soros? After all, he’s 91 years old now and unless he truly is the Devil, he won’t live forever.

May I suggest:

George Soros–This brutal devil impacted more latin lives than Caesar Augustus.