Takes One To Know One: Biden Called Trump A ‘F*cking A-Hole’

Next to using the N-word Joe Biden loves nothing more than dropping F-bombs. Remember when Biden characterized the passing of ObamaCare as a “big f*cking deal”? In his effort to bring dignity and morality back to the White House, Biden reportedly called former President Donald Trump a “f*cking asshole.” Now that’s dignified.

Jurassic activist/journalist Bob Woodward has written a new book called Peril, which is supposed to be about Trump’s final days in the White House. It contains bombshell proof that General Mark Milley committed treason by colluding with China on secret phone calls and that he essentially pulled off a coup against President Trump by usurping his Consitituonal powers, but the liberal media has no interest in that.

Instead, the fake news is focused on some Biden-related F-bombs. First, there was this thing that happened after Joe ate shit walking up the stairs to Air Force One:

Republicans ridiculed Biden and savored the video footage, particularly since Biden’s campaign had mocked Trump’s at times halting gait during the 2020 race.

The White House assured reporters Biden was “100 percent fine.” Biden, however, was frustrated. He laster told others that once he got up the steps and ducked inside the cabin, he muttered to himself.

“F*ck,” Biden whispered. “F*ck!” He was loud enough for others to hear him.

Actually, the official White House explanation was that the wind knocked Biden over, which made it more pathetic.

In case you forgot how hilarious it was, here’s the video:

And here’s a much funnier version of what happened from Don Jr.:

Speaking of Trump and golf, there’s this little tale from Biden’s first days in the White House:

Trump’s existence permeated the White House, even the residence. One night, Biden wandered into a room where a huge video screen covered the wall. To relax, Trump used to upload programs to virtually play the world’s most famous golf courses,” Woodward and Costa write. “‘What a fucking asshole,’ Biden once said as he surveyed the former president’s golf toys.

Geez, does he kiss little girls with that mouth?

Here’s the thing, Joe plays golf, or at least tries to and his overlord, Barack Obama, was famous for golfing badly during crises, but Biden thinks Trump is a “f*cking asshole” for having a virtual golf game in the White House? That hypocrisy literally makes Joe a f*cking asshole.

What this shows actually is that Biden is completely gone. People with dementia get really mad at stuff that is seemingly meaningless. Biden goes off on reporters and voters who ask him questions he can’t answer. He drops F-bombs on minor insignificant things like his lack of motor skills and Trump’s golfing toys. This is “old man yells at cloud” syndrome indicative of a person with Alzheimers.

The liberal media will report on these incidents like they show Biden is in a position of authority but the reality is, he’s a sad decrepit man with lemon jello for brains.