Biden Approves Of Protesters Harassing Krysten Sinema In The Bathroom

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema is a Republican. It’s not that her politics align with the GOP, but protesters harassed her in a bathroom and everyone from the liberal media to the illegitimate president, Joe Biden, approves of this sort of harassment. That kind of shittiness is usually reserved for Republicans, but they are dropping it on one of their own in democrat Krysten Sinema.

Sinema, as well as West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, are blocking Biden from passing his $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” socialist spending plan, so the left is attacking them. Protesters kayaked up to Manchin’s house boat to give him shit and some illegal aliens broke into ASU, where Sinema was giving a lecture, and followed her into the bathroom:

These “activists” including a male, followed Sinema into the bathroom talking about “Build Back Better” and demanding amnesty for illegal aliens. The amazing thing is, Sinema did her business while this was going on.

The funny thing is, it is illegal in Arizona to film someone in a public bathroom under any circumstance and at least two of the protesters outed themselves as illegal aliens. They could end up getting deported because of this stunt.

Joe Biden was asked about the harassment of Sinema in the bathroom and had this garbage take:

“I don’t think they’re appropriate tactics, but it happens to everybody. The only people it doesn’t happen to are people who have secret service standing around them. It’s a part of the process,” said Biden.

Part of the process and it happens to everybody? That sure sounds like Biden approves of this bullshit, doesn’t it?

Actually it does because later in the day, Fox News’ Peter Doocy tried to get White House press secretary Jen Psaki to clarify Biden’s position on it:

“A group of activists followed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema into a ladies room screaming about the Build Back Better plan yesterday. The president says I don’t think they are appropriate, but it happens to everybody and it’s part of the process. He is an expert on the process. Has he ever been chased into a restroom?” Doocy asked.

“Let me be clear here because I think the context of what happened here is very important. And Senator Sinema put out a statement this morning. So as she said and I would reiterate from here, the protection of their freedom to protest, to speak out and to criticize is fundamental to our democracy. The president believes that. Maybe he shorthanded it, but he wanted to make that clear this morning,” said Psaki.

So, yes, Biden approves of the harassment of Krysten Sinema. Psaki did call the harassment “inappropriate” but went back to thumbs-upping the harassment:

“I think the context of what happened here is important despite the fact that, of course, we stand for the president, the president stands for the fundamental right of people to protest to object to criticize as they often do outside the gates of the White House,” Psaki said.

A woman getting chased into a bathroom by protesters, one who was male, ain’t the same thing as people chanting “F*ck Joe Biden” from behind the barricades and fences outside the White House, but Psaki knows that.

If this happened to Nancy Pelosi, it would be the end of the world for democrats and the liberal media. Sinema has been stripped of her liberal privileges because she opposes Biden’s foolish spending plan and it’s open season on her like she was a Republican woman.