Biden Dismisses Low Poll Numbers And ‘F*ck Joe Biden” Chants By Bragging He’s The Most Popular President Ever

Joe Biden lives in a fantasy word but I’ve always hoped there was some tether, no matter how thin, to reality. Yeah, he sucks and I hate him, but he’s got the nuclear codes so I really do want him to have a certain level of lucidity left. Well, all hope is gone. Despite his disastrous 9 months in office with failure after failure, his tanking poll numbers, and “F*ck Joe Biden” chants becoming a national phenomenon, Joe is bragging that he’s the most popular president in U.S. history.

Biden went to Michigan on Tuesday to sell his “Build Back Better” $3.5 trillion socialist spending package and this was his reception in Howell:

If you look close, there’s one person with a “Let’s go Brandon” sign, which is what NBC tried to spin the “F*ck Joe Biden” chant at a NASCAR race as. Too funny.

There were reportedly over 500 angry Michiganders chanting and cussing out the illegitimate president as his motorcade passed. BTW, when he got to his destination to give a speech, there were only 50 people in attendance, most of whom were politicians and press.

Based on this discrepancy between the people who hate him and the ones who support him, Biden declared himself the most popular White House occupant ever:

“Not withstanding some of the signs I saw coming in, that’s why 81 million Americans voted for me. The largest number of votes in American history. Clear majority were supported when they supported me,” said Biden.

We’ll get to Biden’s delusion of being the most popular president ever but first I want to break down his confusion: Biden says that the signs he saw coming into Howell, many which read “F*ck Joe Biden” is because 81 million Americans voted for him. As if that isn’t crazy enough, he then went on to claim that “clear majority” were supported when they supported him. What the hell does that even mean?

Anyways, back to the delusion. Joe Biden couldn’t halfway fill a middle school gymnasium if he was handing out free ice cream. The fact that in this small town in Michigan his detractors outnumbered his supporters 10-1. Also, 81 million Americans didn’t vote for Biden. He may have gotten 81 million votes but many of those were from illegal aliens and double and triple voters.

In fact, this Michigan trip illustrates perfectly what a sham the 2020 presidential election was. How did 81 million people vote for Joe Biden when he can’t put together a respectable sized public event and everywhere he goes there are masses of people telling him to f*ck off?

While we are on the subject, how many people who legitimately cast a ballot of Biden would take that vote back if they could? Like if they knew the border, inflation, Afghanistan, and COVID-19 issues that Biden has royally f*cked up in advance, would they still have voted for him?

Actually, that’s an easy question to answer thanks to this new poll:

Biden’s approval rating is down to 38% with 52% strongly disapproving. 52% is a clear majority of this country who thinks he sucks the big one.

Biden looks at negative protests, his utter failure, and “F*ck Joe Biden” chants as proof that he is the most beloved public figure ever. I’m sure he also pictures himself riding on a flaming unicorn as the people bombard him with flowers and frozen treats. Meanwhile, back here in reality, the people see a sad old man sitting in the corner playing with himself.