The CIA “Continued the Effort to Try to Destroy Trump and They Realized the Only Way They Could Do It Was They Had to Steal the Election”—Former CIA and State Department Employee Larry Johnson

Former CIA and State Department employee Larry Johnson was on with Joe Hoft and Kell Brazil at Real Talk 93.3 out of St. Louis MO Monday morning.

Larry discussed the beginnings of Obama’s Deep State actions against candidate and President Donald Trump. This from

When Obama’s Ethics Czar Norm Eisen was discussed and his efforts and the CIA’s efforts using methods against President Trump before the 2016 Election through the 2020 Election, here is part of what Johnson responded:

This effort to go after Trump evolved. It didn’t start out from the beginning with a well-formed, coordinated plan. In the summer of 2015, the Central Intelligence Agency was helping collect information and working with foreign governments, particularly the Brits and MI6 to dig up dirt on not just just Trump, but all Republican Presidential candidates and Bernie Sanders. They were working on behalf of Hillary Clinton…

What we saw was the law enforcement and intelligence assets of the US government, instead of serving to protect the interests of the US people, were turned and used in the most abhorrent, partisan ways to attack a Presidential candidate to discredit him. Despite all their efforts they initially failed in 2016. But they didn’t stop. They continued the effort to try to destroy Trump and they realized the only way they could do it was they had to steal the election.


Click HERE to hear Larry Johnson’s comments.

“They were working on behalf of Hillary Clinton.” 

This was suspected, perhaps it was even common knowledge, but to have it be told matter-of-factly is frightening, yes?

Rhetorical question: Is this not an illegal use of the CIA? Yes, of course, it is. But now what can be done about it? Well, with Bungles Joe as the figurehead not a damn thing, however, imagine the extent of good old fashioned house cleaning President Trump, or whoever the next GOP candidate is who climbs to the heights of the U.S. Presidency, MUST first have performed before going to work for We the People.

Yes, I’m talking purge of the liberal elites and ALL of their emplaced underlings. And this must begin with Obozo and Company—him, her, et al—and the Clintonians.

God speed to the powers of right and true because We the People know that those of the democrat party—and their operatives—will not succumb without a fight. And perhaps this fight they give will be what actually transforms America.