It’s Science! Study Proves Gun Control Does Nothing To Reduce Crime

Democrats claim to be the party of science but, like all the rest of their claims, it’s a lie. They are the party of cherry-picking data that supports their agenda, while ignoring everything else that blows them out of the water. A new study shows beyond any doubt that gun control doesn’t do squat to reduce crime.

Massachusetts was one of the many liberals states that passed knee-jerk gun control legislation following the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. The democrats who rammed these gun control laws through promised they would reduce crime and make everyone safer. We know those were lies and now there’s solid science to prove it.

The Boston Herald reports:

A new study from American University found that the tightened gun-control measures that went into effect in Massachusetts six years ago had little effect on the violent crime rate in the state…

The study, published in Justice Quarterly, used modeling and FBI data from 2006 to 2016 to examine the impact of the 2015 gun law on crimes including murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault.

The study’s author, Janice Iwama, assistant professor of justice, law, and criminology at American University, found that armed robberies increased 8.9% in Massachusetts since the new gun laws were enacted.

For every other type of violent crime, including rape, murder and aggravated assault, she found no statistically significant change.

Iwama is clearly a liberal who thought she was going to find something much different than what she did, so she had a lefty excuse for why these gun control didn’t deliver on crime reduction and safety.

Iwama suggested the issue could be caused by uneven enforcement of the laws across counties, an overall lag in enforcement and/or because residents are obtaining firearms in neighboring states with looser gun laws. She recommended that policymakers revisit the legislation to ensure it’s being property applied and enforced.

Yeah, that’s totally it. Gun control failed because it wasn’t enforced. Also, she seems to be saying that since this particular gun control doesn’t work, the solution if more gun control.

I have a different theory: Maybe gun control doesn’t work because it only targets law-abiding people. For some strange reason, criminals refuse to follow the law. When liberal ding-dongs pass a gun law, It’s aimed at people who already obey the law. What that means is the law-abiding will continue to be law-aboding, or in some instances be turned into criminals for possessing things they have legally owned for years.

Generally speaking, laws don’t stop crime they increase it. When something that was legal becomes illegal, that means there are now more criminals.

Robbery, rape, assault, and murder are already illegal and people still commit these acts. If liberals were to make these crimes doubly-illegal it wouldn’t cause a decline in them.

Also, and this is the big one, criminals don’t obtain their guns through legal means. Any law that makes it harder to purchase a gun legally will have absolutely no effect on crime.

The problem is criminals. Want less crime? Arrest more criminals and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. No more bullshit plea deals and no “justice reform” that puts scumbags on the streets. It couldn’t be any more simple.

Democrats like using stats like half of all guns are purchased without back ground checks or gun owners are 3 times more likely to be killed than unarmed people to justify their unconstitutional gun control agenda. Those stats are debunked garbage, but here’s a real study that shows gun control doesn’t work. It’s science, but it’s science that doesn’t support the left’s push to disarm Americans so it will be ignored.