Just in Time for the Election: Alleged ISIS Terror Threat Prompts Beefed up Security in Northern Virginia

Law enforcement agencies are on alert for a potential ISIS terror attack on shopping malls or shopping centers located in the Washington, D.C. suburbs of Northern Virginia this weekend.

The alert comes days before Virginians go to the polls in Tuesday’s closely watched election for governor between Republican Glenn Youngkin and democrat Terry McAuliffe.

Northern Virginia is home to thousands of government employees, military, and intelligence personnel. This from thegatewaypundit.com.

Excerpt via WTOP:

…A law enforcement source told CBS News the recent threat against a mall in Northern Virginia this Halloween weekend originated from ISIS. It is the basis for a law enforcement-sensitive alert that was issued.

Out of an abundance of caution, Fairfax County’s police chief said his department is ready to respond if the threat materializes.

Chief Kevin Davis said he learned of the threat through regional intelligence partners in the last 24 hours. While he wouldn’t describe it in detail, Davis said his department is responding in-kind.

“We have ramped up our presence at places where people shop, at places where people recreate, gather, dine. It’s our responsibility to do that we routinely do this,” Davis said at a news conference Friday.

“We have an election coming up next Tuesday where we’ll have increased patrols throughout the next several days out of an abundance of caution, because that’s what we do as a public safety agency,” Davis said.

CBS Evening News reported on the threat:

CBS’s Catherine Herridge reported that the threat comes as al Qaeda and ISIS have ramped up calls for lone wolf attacks since the Biden regime’s retreat from Afghanistan in August.

Fairfax County police issued a statement earlier Friday asking people to call in any suspicious activity.

Well, this hasn’t taken long. Old Joe lets in thousands of unvetted Afghan refugees, in addition to any problems sauntering across the open southern border, and we are to expect problems.

Conservatism you are missed.

God speed to the powers of right and true.