Biden Is Now Quoting Mussolini

The saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” doesn’t mean act like a fascist dictator because he was Italian. While in Rome, Joe Biden used a phrase attributed to Benito Mussolini about trains, because he’s at that stage of his dementia. Next, it’s on to Germany for Joe to use a Hitler quote related to trains.

Biden was in Italy trying to get the Pope to let him take communion, despite his love of abortion. It’s unclear what this had to do with it but Joe is a hard guy to figure out:

“Now I’m going to turn it over to Secretary Blinken, who actually makes sure the trains run on time,” said Biden.

While not a direct quote of Benito Mussolini it is a concept associated with him. The fascist dictator liked to brag that he rebuilt Italy’s rail system and so “making the trains run on time” was a symbol of the efficiency of fascism. It has become a general praise of fascism.

“Make the trains run on time” is to fascism as “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is to communism.

In using this particular saying, Joe Biden is giving two thumbs up for fascism, which comes as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to his illegitimate presidency. Through dictatorial edicts, Biden has tried to impose his will upon the American people, with COIVID-19 mandates and social engineering controls.

The White House will argue that Biden didn’t mean it that way, that he is just a big fan of choo-choos. That means, once again, Biden’s handlers will have to explain away his awfulness by pointing out his lack of cognitive function.

You see, Anthony Blinken is the Secretary of State and Biden thought he was the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg. The defense against Biden’s praise of fascism will be that he can’t remember who the f*ck he’s talking about, which is actually worse.

A president with his eyes on fascism is bad, but the United States system of government is designed to keep the fascism at a minimum. A president of the United States with chutney for brains is much scarier because Joe Biden has the nuclear codes.

This episode also exposes the liberal media for the collective frauds they are. Joe Biden saying something about making the trains run on time is completely ignored, but back in the Age of Trump, it was an outrage.

Check this out from NY Magazine:

So far, the Trump camp has not responded to the criticism of Bannon, and what has come out of the campaign has not been encouraging. “Bannon is going to be keeper of the image of Trump as a fighter against the status quo, and Reince is going to utilize his personal connections with the speaker and others, to make the trains run on time,” Ken Blackwell, a former Ohio state official and a member of the Trump transition team, told The Wall Street Journal. When you are trying to convince America that its new leader is not a fascist, it’s best not to make any Mussolini references.

But suddenly Mussolini references are cool now that Biden occupies the White House.