Joe Biden Takes A Nap During Important Climate Summit

I’m not really sure why this is news because Joe Biden has been sleeping on the job since he stole the White House. It would be big news if he was alert or lucid, but we know that ain’t going to happen. In any case, Biden proved how important global warming is by falling asleep during an important climate summit.

Biden announced this very important thing today:

Existential threat to human existence? That sound f*cking serious. We should definitely stop polluting and radically reduce the size of our carbon footprints. Just like Joe is doing:

But to really drive home (pun intended) how important this climate summit is, Joe took a nap during it:

“Appears” nothing, he’s out.

Remember when Donald Trump used to call Biden “Sleepy Joe” and the liberal media tripped over themselves to defend and debunk that? Once again, Trump was right.

I bet if there was some little kids around that Joe could sniff and fondle he would have stayed awake, but clearly climate change isn’t interesting enough to keep the Sandman away.

The other thing that could be going on here is some kind of technological issue. It’s possible that Joe Biden isn’t even alive and his handlers have hooked up some animatronics to make him appear to move and speak, kind of like a high-tech Weekend at Bernies thing. Perhaps the battery wore down or the signal was blocked by John Kerry’s giant head.

When they managed to reboot Biden, he didn’t disappoint in apologizing to the world for America:

It can’t be a coincidence that whenever a democrat president goes overseas, he spends much of time apologizing for America being awesome. That was Obama’s jam and it looks like it’s Biden’s too since he plagiarizes everything.

He should be apologizing to the American people for getting the U.S. back into the Paris Accord since all it does is takes taxpayer’s money and give it to other countries to not pollute. There’s not even a stipulation that they have to actually cut their carbon emissions, they just have to promise to try.

If Donald Trump had ever fallen asleep during anything, it would have been a two-week news cycle with plenty of outrage and speculation about his fitness to serve. When Biden takes a disco nap during a climate summit it is ignored because the liberal media has been tasked with protecting him at all cost.