Liberals lash out at white women over election losses in Virginia

Warning: There’s nothing to be learned from this article. Not a damn thing. Same goes for the democrat political cult. Their goal, I presume, as evidenced by the blame game they’re putting themselves through this post election cycle, is not to learn anything from the November 2021 election roasting they endured.

Repeatedly, they refuse to put into practice the age old lesson of properly identifying a problem before going to work to solve the problem. Please, don’t anyone tell them. Their ignorance will be at least part of the Republican success story.

The democrats of Virginia sustained significant losses on election day November 2021 and many on the left singled out white women as the blameworthy culprit for their bad fortune. This from

While many in the media blamed racism and white supremacism in general, others pointed to a large swing in support from white women who voted for Biden in 2020 but voted for the Republican candidate in the 2021 gubernatorial election.

Did you get that? “…who voted for Biden in 2020…” That is an additionally identified problem right there. They’ve been lying about the 2020 election for so long now, they’ve begun to believe what they’re saying. No one—Repeat—No one voted for Joe Biden. That election was stolen and now the people are pissed about all the damn issues the dems have been force-feeding America.

According to NBC exit polling, white women who graduated from college voted for former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe over Republican Glenn Youngkin in a greater margin than they voted for Biden over former President Donald Trump in 2020.

What? Additional obfuscation here. More women college graduates preferred McAuliffe this year than they preferred Biden over Trump last year? These words are wrong on both accounts.

Women college graduates preferred Youngkin this year and they preferred Trump last year.

But we’re getting wrapped around the axle here.

Suffice to say the democrats lost this election as well as many others Tuesday because of the issues they brought to the table. Critical Race Theory education, bathroom of choice, tax increases, the gibsmedat environment as a whole, the open border craziness, the Biden Afghanistan blunder and the senseless killing of our military members in Afghanistan, etc., etc.

These are the reasons and more why the democrats lost BIG. However, they refuse to acknowledge that and their ignorance is conservatisms benefit.

So, again, there is nothing to be learned from this article.

God speed deplorable patriots—Happy Thursday.