BREAKING: Republican Ciattarelli Announces He Is Not Conceding in New Jersey Governor’s Race

The Republican candidate for governor in New Jersey announced today that he is not conceding the race. This from

The Associated Press is reporting:

The result of New Jersey’s election for governor will be “legal and fair” no matter the outcome, Republican candidate Jack Ciattarelli said Thursday in his first comments since The Associated Press declared incumbent Democrat Phil Murphy the election’s winner.


Ciattarelli has not conceded the election.

“No one should be declaring victory or conceding the election until every legal vote is counted,” Ciattarelli said in the 2-minute video clip posted on Twitter.

Ciattarelli, a former Assembly member, said he will wait for the state’s 21 counties to complete counting thousands of mail-in and other ballots, which could take until next week, before deciding whether to ask for a recount.


The governor has a tough road ahead of him after the election appears to have been stolen on Election night.

New Jersey Governor Race Called for Democrat Murphy by 20,000 Votes After He Mysteriously Gained 40,000 Ballots Overnight

Other incidents of fraud were reported including machines not working.

More Fraud in New Jersey’s Election Uncovered – Voting Machines Would Not Allow Citizens to Vote for Republican Governor Candidate

Also, individuals were allowed to vote without apparently being registered according to the law.

New Jersey Gubernatorial Election Worker: “I’ll Let You [Non-Citizen/Non-Registered Voter] Fill Out a Ballot Right Now” (VIDEO)

We’re all thinking the same thing, right? What a damn mess. We’re into the third decade of the 21st century with all this technology at our fingertips and we can’t seem to be able to count ballots.

Simplification of the entire system may help. But the country will still depend on people who are dishonest and people who are incompetent. Which do you think it is in this instance? Perhaps some of both.

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