Jan 6th Political Prisoner Chris Worrell to be IMMEDIATELY Transferred OUT of DC Gitmo After Surprise Inspection Found “Deplorable” Conditions and Denial of Medical Treatment

On Wednesday, a federal judge ordered that a January 6th political prisoner be immediately transferred out of the DC Gulag after an unannounced U.S. Marshals inspection of the facility found detainees were forced to live in “deplorable” conditions and were denied necessary medical care. This from thegatewaypundit.com.

The defendant, Chris Worrell, had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma while incarcerated and has been denied his cancer treatments for months. He will immediately be transferred to another facility outside of DC, where they will release him into home detention “as soon as possible” so he can receive much-needed chemotherapy for his worsening illness.

Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Chris Worrell Calls into Greg Kelly’s Show from Jail – Guards Have Not Given Him Access to His Cancer Drugs for 166 Days! (VIDEO)

He is just one of 400 other inmates who will be transferred out of the jail—unbelievably, none of the hundreds of other Jan. 6th detainees are included in the transfers, according to reports.


In his decision, Judge Royce Lamberth said the conditions at the facility were so terrible that they were “beyond belief” and added that the “court has ZERO confidence” in Pelosi’s Gulag to provide proper treatment and NOT retaliate against Worrell if he was allowed to remain in their custody.

Some of the horrifying conditions that were found in the inspection included: water being shut off for days, clogged toilets that would flood cells with sewage, and an inmate who developed an infection from being pepper-sprayed after not being allowed to wash the chemical off for days.

Water would be shut off as a form of punishment for detainees who ‘misbehave,’ often for several days at a time—taking away their ability to wash hands, flush the toilet, or even drink water.

Keep in mind, these people who are being subject to this kind of horrifying treatment are AMERICAN CITIZENS—it’s unthinkable.

The report also gave evidence that the behavior of staff at the jail was even worse than the unbelievable conditions.

U.S. Marshals observed DC corrections officers and staff “agonizing detainees,” denying them necessary medical care, and threatening them to “not cooperate” with the Marshals during the inspection. One was even seen telling a detainee to “stop snitching” on the staff, according to the report.

The situation had gotten so bad that last month Judge Lamberth urged Biden’s DOJ to conduct a full civil rights investigation into the despicable mistreatment of Jan. 6th detainees under the watch of DC Jail Warden Wanda Patten and director of the Department of Corrections Quincy Booth.

“I don’t know if it’s because he’s a January 6th defendant or not, but I find this matter should be referred to the attorney general of the United States for a civil rights investigation into whether the DC Department of Corrections is violating the civil rights of January 6th defendants, in this and maybe other cases.”

According to court filings, federal prosecutors argued that Worrell was denied medical treatments because he lies about his health, unbelievably claiming that they have been “unable to sort fact from fiction.”

To support their bogus accusation that Worrell is lying, they cite “medical notes and records that the government later obtains” in order to “refute or at best unsubstantiate” him needing medical treatment.

In other words, Worrell asks for medical assistance for an issue, and the staff creates the records telling him why he is a liar and doesn’t need it.

According to Stavrou—through no fault of his own—Worrell never received chemotherapy even ONCE.

“Mr. Worrell also suffers from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. To date he has not recieved chemotherapy. He has never caused any delay in seeking treatment for his cancer.

We are pleased with the court’s order allowing Mr. Worrell to obtain the life-saving cancer treatments he needs. We are also pleased that over 400 inmates will be transferred to facilities where they will receive proper treatment and care, and not be subjected to the deplorable conditions noted in the United States Marshals investigation.”

Following the Stop the Steal rally, Worrell followed the crowd of thousands of people to Capitol Hill to protest. The situation was peaceful at first but escalated when suspicious agitators began to push through police barriers to get into the Capitol building.

Despite following the crowd to the grounds, Worrell never entered the building.

In videos he recorded on the scene, Worrell can repeatedly be heard calling for peace. One of the clips from his phone captures him telling an officer that he was “not coming through,” when he accidentally bumped into a barricade trying to back away from the escalating situation.

Despite his minor role and the government’s own admission that they don’t know who he was spraying, Chris Worrell was locked up in the Gulag for almost eight months.

Thankfully, because of this judge, he will serve the rest of his time awaiting trial in home confinement.

This was a huge win for Worrell, and for the patriots who are still being held in DC’s Gitmo—but it’s just a single battle in their fight for freedom—the swamp’s war against these conservative Americans wages on.