NJ Republican Ed Durr Tells Encouraging Story About Phone Call With The Democrat He Defeated (VIDEO)

Ed Durr, the New Jersey Republican truck driver who shocked the country earlier this month by defeating a powerful democrat incumbent, appeared on the Tucker Carlson show this week and told a very encouraging story. This from thegatewaypundit.com.


He was recounting the phone call he had with the Democrat he defeated and he even had Tucker Carlson laughing.

More accurately descriptive, though, than “laughing” is the word ‘encouraging.’ This trucker from south Jersey seems to be wholesome and sincere and the kind of change badly needed in American politics.

This newcomer to the political world is, without a doubt, a keeper—that is until he becomes inevitably encrusted by the filth endemic in the political system.

(A rather negative statement, but I believe one that many of you will agree is true to the bone.)

Encouraging, though, newly elected New Jersey state senator-elect Edward Durr recounted an ironic conversation he had with his longtime predecessor—and state Senate President—Steve Sweeney after he conceded the race to the Republican commercial truck driver.

Durr, in an appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday, said Sweeney was “a gentleman” in his congratulatory call a day earlier, which followed his public concession.

“He congratulated me and just wished me luck, [told me] to do well for South Jersey,” Durr said.

I told him, you know, if he ever needs anything, just give me a call, because I’m his representative now,” Durr, who is reported to have spent only $153 on his primary campaign, responded.

State Senator Edward Durr is assuming his new duties in a Hold-My-Beer, matter-of-fact style that we conservative deplorables find encouraging.

God speed Senator Durr.

The Republican party—all of politics for that matter—needs more people like Ed Durr to run for office.

Senator Durr’s surprising victory and down-to-earth demeanor are encouraging.