Here’s The Liberal Media Attempts To Ruin Thanksgiving This Year

The ideas of good will, family bonding, and national pride are like Kryptonite to liberals because they are self-loathing horrible people. That’s why they hate normal holidays but celebrate weird crap like mass shooting anniversaries and Indigenous People’s Day. Since Thanksgiving is all about family togetherness and American history, naturally the liberal media has to destroy it. Here’s their attempt this year:

The fake news industry’s favorite way to cancel Thanksgiving is by claiming it’s a holiday celebrating genocide. Check this out from MSNBC:

The Philadelphia Tribune must have just copied MSNBC with this lazy outrage:

Celebrating Thanksgiving is celebrating racist genocide

Exactly 400 years ago on Nov. 9, 1621 (or as early as Sept. 21 as some scholars believe) in Plymouth, Mass., Pilgrims from England supposedly celebrated their first so-called Thanksgiving feast with the Wampanoag Nation a year after their arrival on the land of those indigenous red people.

Tragically, those trusting red men, women, and children had no idea that the unimaginable hell of widespread death and massive land robbery would soon follow.

When the Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower in 1620, they didn’t bring thanks. They didn’t even give thanks. Instead, they brought racist genocide and gave nothing.

Then there’s this from USA Today:

What is Thanksgiving to Indigenous people? ‘A day of mourning’

How do Indigenous people spend Thanksgiving?

For many, rather than a celebration of peace and shared prosperity between Native Americans and Pilgrims, Thanksgiving represents the dark shadow of genocide and the resilience of Native people.

They lost an entire continent and now drink Lysol to get f*cked up. That’s some resiliency.

Finally, there’s this Washington Post genocide take:

This tribe helped the Pilgrims survive for their first Thanksgiving. They still regret it 400 years later

Just as Native American activists have demanded the removal of Christopher Columbus statues and pushed to transform the Columbus holiday into an acknowledgment of his brutality toward Indigenous people, they have long objected to the popular portrayal of Thanksgiving.

This year some Wampanoags will go to Plymouth for the National Day of Mourning. Others will gather at the old Indian Meeting House, built in 1684 and one of the oldest American Indian churches in the eastern United States, to pay their respects to their ancestors, many of whom are buried in the surrounding cemetery. Plenty of Wampanoags will gather with their families for a meal to give thanks — not for the survival of the Pilgrims but for the survival of their tribe.

The liberal media didn’t just have genocide to ruin Thanksgiving this year, they also have COVID-19. Here’s what CBS thinks you should do:

How about no.

The New York Times says that kids should eat quickly and then GTFO to avoid infecting older family members:

I think some care is warranted, especially because some attendees are 65 and older and thus at greater risk of more serious breakthrough infections. You could have the kids wear masks, eat quickly and stay away from the older adults when eating.

Isn’t being at the kid’s table bad enough?

Last but not least, NBC thinks you should get rid of the turkey this year to discourage people from coming over and to help deal with Joe Biden’s inflation:

What is wrong with these people? Oh yeah, they’re liberals who are personally offended by other people’s happiness.

I say f*ck these fake news douchebags by serving a turkey with a side of genocide and get the whole family together (inside the house) for a kick-ass super-spreader holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!