Federal Judge Blocks Vaccine Mandate Nationwide—Protects Health Care Workers Across America

Louisiana U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty blocked a federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers Tuesday. The ruling has nationwide implications. This from thegatewaypundit.com.

The ruling by Judge Doughty follows Missouri US District Judge Matthew Schelp’s ruling on Monday that blocked mandates in 10 states.

Judge Doughty, of course a consedrvative, was appointed by President Donald Trump.

Life News reported:

A federal court has issued a nationwide injunction protecting health care workers across the country from Joe Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate.

Yesterday, in response to a multi-state lawsuit led by Missouri, a federal court barred the Biden administration from enforcing a vaccine mandate for health care workers in 10 states who are employed at federally-funded health care clinics. That means they doctors and nurses can’t be fired for refusing the COVID vaccine despite Biden’s federal mandate requiring them to get it.

Today, a federal court in Louisiana expanded on that ruling and blocked the vaccine mandate nationwide.

The Daily Advertiser reported:

Louisiana Western District U.S. Judge Terry Doughty’s decision follows an identical ruling Monday from Missouri U.S. District Judge Matthew Schelp, but Schelp’s decision only covered 10 states.

Doughty ruled on the lawsuit led by Republican Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and joined by 13 other states, but Doughty added a nationwide injunction in his ruling.

“If the executive branch is allowed to usurp the power of the legislative branch to make laws, two of the three powers conferred by our Constitution would be in the same hands,” Doughty wrote. “If human nature and history teach anything, it is that civil liberties face grave risks when governments proclaim indefinite states of emergency.”

Except for those who have been living in a vacuum or under a rock, everyone realizes what this corrupt democrat communist political cult is attempting to do. This is the radical takeover and transformation of America which the Kenyan spoke so hideously about.

Republican-appointed conservative judges are attempting to stop the democrat takeover. And we know well what the next step from the democrats will be.

This is in large part how other successful, thriving democratic nations (Venezuela, for example) have been brought down.

We can anticipate legislation designed to pack the U.S. Supreme Court as well as expand the number of positions for judges throughout the United States. The Biden regime, or whoever is the figurehead, will simply then fill those newly-created vacancies with liberal, progressive judges.

This is a time when Conservative Republican America MUST hold strong. Our greatest hope, other than open warfare, will be ensuring and regaining control from honest 2022 elections.

God bless Conservatism in America.

And God speed to the powers of right and true.