Critical Race Theory Program Teaches Students To Use Witchcraft Against Racism

Since systemic racism is a myth, it makes sense to use something made-up to combat it. A California school’s Critical Race Theory program teaches students to use witchcraft against racism. Okay, maybe that makes absolutely no sense but then again, that’s what CRT is all about.

Writing for the Federalist, Spencer Lindquist commented on his former California high school district:

While documenting my former high school’s attempt to indoctrinate me with critical race theory six years ago, I remarked that now, several years later, “the situation has undoubtedly worsened.” Worsened it has. Now, Campbell Union High School District has promoted more than 100 “equity resources” to students and staff, including a document that taught students how to put a curse on those who say “all lives matter.”

CUHSD also links to the Black Lives Matter Resource Guide, specifically their section labeled “high school,” which itself includes 45 different texts. Amid a wide variety of CRT inspired assignments is a document that includes writing prompts on police brutality and racist violence.

One section titled “Hex” tells the reader, “Hexing people is an important way to get out anger and frustration.” It becomes increasingly deranged, suggesting that those who say “all lives matter” or commit “microaggressions,” should be targeted. “Write your own hex poem, cursing that person,” it instructs.

This is no bullshit. Here’s the link and here’s what it says:

Hexing people is an important way to get out anger and frustration. Make a list of specific people who have been agents of police terror or global brutality. This list can be wide-ranging, from small micro aggressions to larger perpetrators (i.e., people who say “all lives matter” to the police officers who arrest non violent protestors to George Zimmerman). Pick one of those people on your list. Read Martin Espada’s poem ‘For the Jim Crow Restaurant in Cambridge Massachusetts Where My Cousin Esteban was Forbidden To Wait Tables Because He Wears Dreadlocks.’ Write your own hex poem, cursing that person.

This is something that schools are teaching to children, which is horrifying but also kind of funny. In reality, they are admitting that there is no racism. The “racists” they call students to hex are people who believe in the sanctity of all human life and police officers doing their jobs by arresting rioters. In what way are either of these groups even remotely racist?

And while I’m asking questions: If witchcraft actually works, how come all of the practitioners of it are dirt-poor losers? You’ve never seen the CEO of a major company who is a witch, have you? You’ve never seen a successful entrepreneur witch either. If witchcraft works, why wouldn’t people use it to increase their wealth? Same goes for psychics. If they can truly see the future, why wouldn’t they get the Lotto numbers?

Just because something is stupid and doesn’t work doesn’t mean it’s harmless. Teaching kids witchcraft as means of combating non-existent racism is the kind of thing that is likely to f*ck a youngster up for life. School is supposed to prepare children to succeed in the real world. Teaching them to hex things they don’t like prepares children for a life on the streets and in institutions.