Biden Willing to Lose His Presidency Over Defending His Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal—Says Deaths of U.S. Servicemembers Was Inevitable (VIDEO)

This guy has the nuclear codes. And it’s a damn good thing he doesn’t realize what they are. This from

Joe Biden this week said the deaths of our 13 servicemembers in Afghanistan were inevitable and falsely claimed no one advised him on how to withdraw the troops safely.

“Everybody says, ‘you could’ve gotten out without anybody being hurt.’ No one’s come up with a way to indicate to me how that happens,” Biden said.

Joe Biden also falsely claimed he was against the war in Afghanistan from the beginning.

FACT CHECK: “Biden did not oppose the US invasion of Afghanistan. As a US senator from Delaware, he joined his Senate colleagues in a unanimous vote in support of the 2001 resolution that authorized the use of military force against “nations, organizations, or persons” President George W. Bush determined were behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.”

FACT CHECK: In September Commander of U.S. Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee about Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

Their statements contradict Joe Biden’s previous claims that no one told him at least 2,500 troops should stay in Afghanistan.

The only reason why Biden is allowed to make these false claim is because we don’t have a real media.

Biden also said he’s willing to lose his presidency over sticking by his botched Afghanistan withdrawal.


We the People say, ‘Let’s give Joe his damn wish.’ May Joe Biden “lose his [stolen] presidency” immediately, if not sooner.

Article of Impeachment Number One: You Joe Biden disregarded the advice of your most senior military advisor and commander when they provided you with critical guidance.

Your choice of action brought about the deaths of thirteen active-duty military members. Not to mention the adverse effect on the lives of untold thousands of American and Afghan civilians.

You F**ked Up Joe—Big Time. Now shuffle off, stage left.