Mainstream Media Downplays Crowd Size at Trump Rally in Sunrise, Florida—In Truth, The Event Was Larger Than All Biden Rallies in 2020 Combined

Mainstream Media is at it again—exercising their own version of the First Amendment.

They violate the sensibilities of the American public by the way they mislead and lie when it comes to President Trump.

This from

On Saturday President Trump and Bill O’Reilly held an event in Sunrise, Florida. The History tour was a great success. But we wouldn’t know it from the Mainstream ‘Fake News’ Media.

Newsweek reported that “Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly’s Tour Begins With Empty Seats in Florida—Report”

The next line is:

“Massive crowd headed into FLA Live! The Trump/O’Reilly History show starts soon…,” O’Reilly, the former Fox host, wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

So, for those “fast readers” who judge a story by the first line, Newsweek treated them to an untruth.

[T]his messaging again was distorted by the media. There was a huge crowd at the event as was reported [by] various Twitter users at the event.

Here is the crowd waiting to enter the event on Saturday in Sunrise, Florida. Looks like thousands just in this video.

Check-out the video below of the crowd waiting to get into the Orlando event—the line of people is orderly and seemingly endless.

Conservatives are such beautiful people, yes?

What the media will never report is the size of Biden events in the 2020 Presidential race.

In the two months leading up to the 2020 Election, Joe Biden couldn’t get more than 2,000 people total—at all his events.

However, President Trump had 1.1 million total at his events.

FINAL 2020 RALLY TALLY: President Trump Had Largest Crowds at His Rallies in US History – Biden Had Some of the Smallest


The fake-news media may not be the first to be dealt with under the new and improved Conservative Republican Party, but the propaganda outlets must be placed near the top for removal whether forcefully or by court order.

We the People are being given many promises by the Firebrand Republicans about what will be done when the Republicans take control of the House and Senate.

Here’s hoping and praying their promises come to pass.

God speed to the Firebrand Republicans.

And may the futile ineffective anachronisms on the Republican side either get the hell out of the way or be trampled.