Pelosi Discovers SF Is A Crime-Ridden Hellhole But Doesn’t Understand Why

Just today, on Wednesday December 2021, Nancy Pelosi discovered that her home city of San Francisco is a crime-ridden hellhole. If that seems amazing it’s even more astounding that she has no idea why and wants somebody to help her find the answer. It may be the political party that runs the city and the state it’s in, but that’s just a stab in the dark.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who has stood watch as her city has decayed into a post-apocalypse hell-scape, finally had enough and issued this statement::

“It’s time the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end And it comes to an end when we take the steps to more aggressive with law enforcement. More aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerant of all the bullshit that has destroyed our city,” said Breed.

Nancy Pelosi was asked about Mayor Breed’s comment and seemed shocked that things outside her mansion walls were is such a state of chaos:

“It’s absolutely outrageous. Obviously it cannot continue but the fact is that there is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don’t know where. Maybe you do. And we cannot have that lawlessness become the norm,” said Pelosi.

Well no, there isn’t a sense of lawlessness in this country, it’s just in the major cites run by democrats. Hey, maybe there’s a clue. Sometime around the Summer of Floyd riots, democratic mayors and city councils bought into the “defund the police” movement and reduced the law enforcement presence on their streets. They also handcuffed officers’ ability to do their job by restricting who they could arrest and what they could arrest them for.

Apparently the way to heal racism of the past is to stop arresting black people for crimes they commit.

Additionally, California passed a law a few years ago that says any theft under $1,000 is basically legal. As long as what you steal is worth less than a grand, you’re good.

The biggest issue however is that cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles have George Soros-backed DA’s who have simply stopped prosecuting crime. Both Chesa Boudin in SF and George Gascon in LA have done away with cash bail, releasing criminals on their own recognizance. They also don’t file charges against 90% of the scumbags cops bring in.

Putting this all together, criminals have absolutely no fear of being caught or thrown in jail, which is another way of saying the idiots in charge have incentivized crime in their cities. Another aspect of this is that with with less criminals in jail, there are more criminals on the streets. It’s weird as shit that democrats can’t see the correlation between their terrible policies and the rise in crime.

Yes, democrats are the problem but so too are the people who keep voting them into office. Bay Area liberals may not be ready to hold their elected officials accountable, but they are taking steps to deal with the out-of-control crime problem. Here’s a story from ABC 7 that sums up liberal governance perfectly:

Sure, you may end up with bum shit in your front seat but you won’t have to replace a window.

People can’t count on the police or politicians to keep them and their property safe, but rather than voting the assholes out of office, they leave their cars wide open. People have the leaders they deserve.