Democrat-Controlled Congress Releases Document Claiming President Trump “Deliberately Undermined Response to Coronavirus”

These dishonest and evil animals won’t stop. Evil begets evil. Democrats beget liberalism. Liberalism begets evil.

The democrat communist party continues to slander, besmirch, and project their crimes on others and their favorite person to attack is still President Trump.

After stealing the 2020 Election for Slow Joe Biden the evil democrats feel they have to continue their attack as a means of survival.

But, thankfully, no sane American is buying this sickness. Read below how they now are demonstrating their mental illness. This from

The Daily Mail reports that the democrats continue their attacks on President Trump. This time they accuse the President of not managing the coronavirus adequately.

The 46 page end-of-the-year report, written by the panel’s Democratic majority, harshly condemns the former president and his officials, noting ‘Trump Administration officials engaged in a staggering pattern of political interference in the pandemic response and failed to heed early warnings about the looming crisis.’

‘These decisions placed countless American lives at risk, undermined the nation’s public health institutions, and contributed to one of the worst failures of leadership in American history,’ the report notes.

The report from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis outlines:

  • How the administration blocked briefings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials on public health needs

  • Failed to implement a national strategy to combat the pandemic and alleviate critical supply shortages

  • Intentionally weakened CDC recommendations to churches regarding services

  • Failed to have essential fraud controls within the Small Business Administration (SBA) to guard critical relief funds against fraud

  • Purposely weakened CDC testing guidance

  • The Farmers-to-Families Food Box Program (Food Box Program), championed by Ivanka Trump, wasted taxpayer money and delivered rotten food

  • Neglected the response to the pandemic to focus on Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign

Without reading it, what we know is not in the report is that American doctors in the medical community including Dr. Fauci, gave millions to the Chinese military in research grants and assistance to develop COVID.

BREAKING: Dr. Fauci Funded 60 Projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and All Were in Conjunction with the Chinese Military

They also don’t mention Dr. Fauci never telling President Trump about his work with the Chinese.

President Trump Reveals that Dr. Fauci Never Told Him that He Was Funding a Virology Lab in Wuhan

The sick and evil democrats don’t care about the American people. They care only about obtaining and retaining power.

The democrat communist cult of America anticipates a full-frontal challenge at the ballot boxes throughout the country in 2022 and again in 2024. Their current mindset is directed toward diminishing the results of that likelihood through election fraud wherever possible, of course, but also by slandering and libeling each and every one of their opponents, primarily President Trump which has already begun.

Note how Big Hill has recently begun to spew out warnings about President Trump. She has become so ludicrous in her projection as to say that Trump’s re-election “could be the end of Democracy” for America. Is this not a psychological projection of what the democrat communists have long been working toward forcing upon America?

Final thought: Liberalism is a mental disorder, well demonstrated by the words and actions of Hillary Clinton as well as each and every other radical democrat communist politician throughout the past five-plus years.

Whether America survives as a free nation, much will be written about this time in our history by historians and psychologists, alike. Notedly, the winner of this ongoing struggle will determine whether the books written are truth or propaganda.