This Just In: AOC Is Still Dumber Than A Dumpster Full Of Donkey Crap

Democrats collectively lost their shit when Joe Manchin announced yesterday that he would not vote for Joe Biden’s Build Back Better bill, effectively killing it. While many democrats responded by throwing temper tantrums, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez decided to attack the West Virginia Senator with her profound stupidity. Let’s see if this tactic pays off.

AOC went on Morning Joe to talk with the human forehead about her displeasure with Manchin:

“I think what Senator Manchin did yesterday was such an egregious breach of the trust of the president,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

She then stated, “Of course we have every right to be furious with Joe Manchin.”

Then things got stupid.

“The House, right now, arguably is one of the only federal democratic democratically-elected governing majorities we have left,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Huh? The House is part of the legislative branch that makes the laws. They do not govern. The Office of the Presidency is the only federal democratically-elected governing entity. What does AOC think these others are, in addition to the House, which is not? Also, the House isn’t a majority of anything. Is it weird that someone who is a House Representative is this ignorant of the U.S. government?

Never one to rest on her laurels, AOC cranked the dumb up to 11 with this:

“The House of Representatives, and that’s even with the asterisk of gerrymandering, is the only majority that most reliably, most reliably, delivers the actual will of the majority of people and voters of the United States of America. That is why they call this the people’s house,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

There she goes again calling the House a “majority.” What does she think that means? She should know that they also call the House ” the lower chamber” because it’s the least significant part of a third of the Branches of the U.S. Government.

And finally, this dumb thing:

“The idea that Joe Manchin says he can’t explain this back home to his people is a farce. I mean, it’s a farce in terms of plain democracy, because I represent more, or just as many or more people than Joe Manchin does. Perhaps more,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Well no, she really doesn’t. Joe Manchin is a Senator so he represents everyone in his state. The population of West Virginia is 1.8 million. AOC is a Rep. and represents the people of her district, which is around 170,000. She was only off by a million or so, which by AOC standards, is nailing it.

This again demonstrates AOC’s complete lack of understanding of our system of government. We’re called the United States of America because we are a collection of states, united into one country. The federal government derives its power from the states and not the other way around.

Senators represent their states, Representatives represent the people of their district, and the president represents the country as a whole. Or at least that’s the way it’s supposed to be. I don’t get the impression Joe Biden represents anyone but illegal aliens and the Taliban. In any case, a Senator has more power and influence than a Representative because he or she represents an entire state, which we have already established is where the federal government gets its authority.

It’s mind-blowing that someone serving in the House of Representatives has no idea about any of this stuff. AOC is bitching that it’s unfair Joe Manchin has more power than her because she doesn’t understand how our government works. I’ll bet that when she was a bartender, she used to complain that the manager got to make the schedule and she had to mop up the vomit.