New York Requirements to Receive COVID Treatment? Don’t Be White.

New York has some of the strictest COVID restrictions in the country, yet the state continues to see a significant rise in COVID cases.

This rise has increased demand for potential COVID treatment. So, the state decided new guidelines were needed to help. This from

And to be eligible to receive oral antiviral treatment, those infected with COVID must meet certain requirements. Among the list is one key detail: You should not be white.

Non-white patients will be given priority not because of their symptoms or how severe their case of COVID. No, simply because systemic health and social issues.

Previously, the radical left had insisted they were focused on equality. And now that they have ‘equality’ they are insisting upon being treated special—more than equal, better than equal.

Equality would mean that everyone would receive the same treatment and same opportunity no matter their skin color or social situation. [T]he radicals have yet again changed the definition of equality.

Now, equality seems to mean that non-whites will receive special treatment just because of their non-white status. No longer is the focus on caring for those most in need, but rather appeasing the political elites caught up in their woke-ist, racist social warfare.

Immediately across Twitter, people tried to argue that this move was based on science.

What type of science would that be?

The science of racism?

Because that is exactly what this is. This is racism by its very definition, at its most unpleasant state.

Unless you believe racism can happen only to a person of color. Unfortunately, that is the ‘racist’ impropriety, insensitivity of the radical left.

But this is all part—simply one tool of many—of the Obama transformation directed at turning America into a third-world sh*thole.

Setting up one group of people against another in a divide-and-conquer fashion is what the Obama-Soros team is about in this instance—again, merely one of the many functions of transforming America.

However, We the People are now much wiser to their operation.

Would it be safe to say that 2022 will be the year of Change Back for Our Nation?

May God allow us the strength of character to do what is necessary.

And God speed to the powers of right and true.