Democrats spend a lot of time accusing Republicans of being fascists and comparing them to Hitler but they aren’t the party of projection for nothing. A recent poll shows that nearly have of democrat voters would put the unvaccinated in internment camps. Even worse, half of them would imprison people for questioning the COVID-19 vaccine efficacy. Now who’s the Nazi fascists?
Rasmussen recently did a poll with some oddly unsurprising results. They asked people their opinions of what if any punishment should befall those who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccination. While most respondents didn’t think any punishment was in order and felt the government should be doing less, not more to f*ck with people, democrats really want to bring the hammer down on those making a choice about their bodies.
55% of democratic voters would support a plan to fine Americans who are unvaccinated.
59% of democratic voters would favor a government policy that would force home confinement on the unvaccinated.
47% of democratic voters want the government to use tracking devices on those who refuse the COVID-19 vaccination.
48% of democratic voters think the federal government should imprison people who publicly question the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine “on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.”
45% of democratic voters support the government “requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.” In other words they want the government to throw the unvaccinated into internment camps.
As if all of that weren’t sick enough, there’s this:
29% of democratic voters think the government should take people’s children away if they refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
That’s pretty much half of all democrat voters who favor harsh and fascist punishment for people who have the gaul to think they get to make choices about their own bodies. No, it’s not killing unborn babies, democrats love that choice, but when it comes to taking an experimental shot, they go full-Hitler.
I’d like to take this opportunity to make a point about jailing people who question the COVID-19. Yo, it’s not a vaccine, it’s a therapeutic. Vaccinates stop you from ever getting the disease and clearly millions of vaccinated people have gotten COVID-19. You’ve never gotten measles, mumps, or polio because you were vaccinated against those diseases and the vaccines are real vaccines. The CDC had to change their definition of a vaccine because the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t fit what is traditionally consider one.
How can you put someone in jail for pointing out the fact that the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t immunize people against the virus?
Also, since the vaccine is new and hasn’t gone through the regular process of approval, the short and long term effects are unknown. This is especially problematic for children who are still developing. The COVID-19 vaccine could potentially f*ck up an entire generation.
Young healthy people have a next to zero percent chance of dying from COVID-19 and if they chose to not get vaccinated, that’s their right. Democrats however want to put these people in jail, internment camps, and take away their children.
This poll tells us what we already know: democrats are fascists. This is why they should never have any power. If they had absolute control over this country, half of us would be in concentration camps or executed.
The poll also shows another thing we already knew: democrats are racist. Black and Hispanic communities are the least vaccinated so when the democrats talk about rounding up and imprisoning the unvaccinated, they’re talking about doing that to minorities.Â