‘Squad’ Member Cori Bush, Who Pushed To Defund Police, Just Had Her Car Shot Up In St. Louis

Cori Bush, one of AOC’s highly ‘esteemed’ squad members, was unharmed when her parked car was hit by gunfire over the weekend in the St. Louis area. This from en-volve.com.

“I’m touched by everyone who has reached out,” Bush said in a statement. “Like far too many of us in St. Louis, experiencing gun violence is all too familiar. Thankfully no one was harmed. But any act of gun violence shakes your soul. No one should have to fear for their safety here in St. Louis and that is exactly why our movement is working every day to invest in our communities, eradicate the root causes of gun violence, and keep every neighborhood safe.”

You moron, Bush. It’s not gun violence, it’s gang violence, and defunding the police in the black ghetto of St. Louis accomplished only the spread of the ghetto. It was the dumbest thing ever attempted in that city.

Ya think the attack was perpetrated by white supremacists?
Cori sees white supremacists everywhere. During the Rittenhouse episode, she invented a creative story about “white supremacists” who were shooting at protesters from a hill in Ferguson during the months of their destructive and costly protests. Cori became famous for engaging in the riots in Ferguson.

Humorously, though, none of it was true. The lying sack of shit fabricated it all. Sound familiar?

She is a big defund the police advocate but spent $70K on her private security in three months alone in 2021.

Cori can afford private security but the rest of you can go fend for yourselves as she takes police off the streets and is on the team determined to strip us of our guns and our Second Amendment Rights.

And like all the democrat-communists bent on bringing America down, she calls it ‘gun violence’ because it takes her North St. Louis thug peeps out of the equation rather than solving the problem.

Final thought, an observation: Certainly, the maxim ‘Beauty is only skin deep,’ does not apply here. Cori Bush is as vile on the surface as she demonstrates her inner soul to be. Hers is a face that can stop a bullet.