California’s Single-Payer Health Care Bill That Would Cover All Illegal Aliens Dies

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) last month proposed a budget that would give all illegal aliens health coverage. This from

California lawmakers were weighing DOUBLING taxes to pay for a single-payer health care system that would cover all illegal aliens.

In 2021, California began covering illegals over the age of 55.

The bill failed to pass the democrat-controlled legislature on Monday so it is dead…for now.

ABC News reported:

However intense, sensible lobbying from business groups put pressure on more moderate democrats, who face tough reelection campaigns this year in newly-redrawn districts.

Plus, democrats were missing four lawmakers from their caucus—including three of their more liberal members—who had resigned recently to take other jobs.

“Especially with four democratic vacancies in the Assembly, the votes were not there today, but we will not give up,” Assemblymember Ash Kalra, a Democrat from San Jose and the bill’s author, said in a news release.

Not to worry—radical California liberals will keep at these “fixes” to their state until the taxpayers possessing the wherewithal to cover the cost of these give-away programs have all escaped the state.

Appropriate to remember here, is what Margaret Thatcher wisely said:

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”