Joe Biden Has Aneurysm Telling Story About His Aneurysm

Just one day after Republicans urged Joe Biden to take a cognitive test, the illegitimate president demonstrated why he needs one so badly. While trying to tell a story about how he had an aneurysm, he pretty much had an aneurysm. Every day this man in in the White House is terrifying.

Biden gave another speech Thursday trying to sell his failed agenda and his brain was on par with “Build Back Better” and that is to say it was dead:

Biden was introduced by a young boy and everyone in the audience was wondering what creepy thing Joe would do. Biden held the handshake a bit long but considering all the sniffing and rubbing he usually does, this wasn’t too bad.

Right after that, Biden referred to the little boy as “Mr. Presdient.” Presumably this was a joke, but given the rest of speech, chances are he actually thinks the kid is the President of the United States.

Biden proceeded to lodge this complaint without an ounce of self-awareness:

“Over the past decade health care costs have gone up fifty percent,” Biden said.

Obamacare was passed about a decade ago. I wonder if there’s a connection. We were told by Joe Biden himself that the Affordable Care Act would make health care more affordable. A 50% rise in health care costs is that exact opposite of affordable. Does anyone see a reason why we should trust him to “fix” the cost of health care again?

Along those lines, Joe was talking about lower prescription drug prices and then tried to make himself relatable with a disjointed story that had nothing to do with lowering prescription drug prices.

“I’ve had uh uh a significant experience with uh with hospital care. My son Beau, who was attorney general of Delaware and won the Bronze Star in Iraq, I mean excuse me, in uh uh dealing with being deployed overseas for a long time, for a year. You know, he came back with glioblastoma. He died,” said Biden.

Everything he just said is a lie. Beau didn’t win the Bronze Star, he was awarded it and nobody can explain what he did to earn it. Being deployed overseas for a year isn’t a long time, especially for an Army lawyer, which is what Beau was, and he was only deployed for 7 months. Also, Biden indicates that Beau’s brief deployment gave him brain cancer that killed him, which is not remotely true. The type of brain cancer he had is due to a genetic defect.

Biden lost whatever point he was trying to make so he went on autopilot, which is a bad thing for him.

“But you know what? Uh, you know uh, the fact is that uh, and I was hospitalized a long time and a couple of years ago, a cranial aneurysm, hospitalized a long time,” said Biden.

How long is a long time ago and a couple fo years ago? Biden had an aneurysm in 1988, so the answer is 34 years.

Also, I’m pretty sure Biden had an aneurysm trying to get this disconnected lie out, so he should once again be hospitalized. At the very least, someone needs to check out his brain to make sure the hamster is still running on the wheel.