As Democrats brace for a potential blowout in the looming 2022 midterm elections, governors and public health officials have begun singing a new tune surrounding draconian COVID restrictions.
Although N95 masks have become the left-wing’s equivalent of a MAGA hat — California Governor Gavin Newsom, Governor Kathy Hochul of New York, Ned Lamont of Connecticut, John Carney of Delaware, and Phil Murphey of New Jersey have all announced an end to their statewide masking requirements. Even the deep blue cities of Denver and Portland will begin allowing their K-12 students to breathe freely in the classroom once again.
Interestingly, there seems to be a disconnect between state governments and the federal COVID czars in regards to mask guidance.
White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki: “Our guidance has consistently been this: When you are in a high transmission area, which is everywhere in the country, you should wear a mask in indoor settings.” pic.twitter.com/17E6pphXw3
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 9, 2022
Conveniently, the CDC is now reworking its mask rules in an attempt to align with the interests of the DNC.
CDC experts are developing guidance to help states ease Covid-19 rules for mask-wearing https://t.co/sNRLbrsyNb pic.twitter.com/2RKwJkyYPv
— Bloomberg Quicktake (@Quicktake) February 9, 2022
It has been two years since the NIH-funded Chinese Coronavirus was unleashed upon the world. Health officials and democratic leaders have clung to the political talisman that is the Chinese face diaper ever since. What gives with the sudden change in messaging from Democrats? Their love of freedom and emphasis on personal responsibility? Doubtful.
With spiraling inflation, supply-chain shortages that have continued far beyond the transportation secretary’s two-month-long paternity leave, and rising crime, the priorities of voters in battleground districts have shifted. Just last week, White House Occupier Joe Biden’s public approval rating fell to the lowest level of his presidency. The national Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll found that a feeble 41% of US adults approve of Biden’s performance. The poll also shows that six in ten Americans believe the nation is heading in the “wrong direction.” “COVID fatigue” is prevalent among even moderates and Democrats as the current administration insists on forcing healthy Americans to take the jab — rather than addressing the current labor shortage and unprecedented Consumer Price Index jump.
In her Tuesday appearance on CNN, vaccine and mask apologist Dr. Leana Wen shockingly began to adopt the talking points of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis:
“The responsibility should shift from a government mandate imposed from the state or the local district of the school . . . to an individual responsibility by the family who can still decide that their child can wear a mask if needed.”
NEW – CNN’s health pundit Leana Wen says “the science has changed” on mandatory face masks.pic.twitter.com/JHfvvkCpnu
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) February 8, 2022
Tony Fauci also confessed in an interview Tuesday that we are past the “full-blown” pandemic phase of the virus and are now approaching the endemic phase:
“As we get out of the full-blown pandemic phase of COVID-19, which we are certainly heading out of, these decisions will increasingly be made on a local level rather than centrally decided or mandated. There will also be more people making their own decisions on how they want to deal with the virus.”
Zero-COVID was never a potential outcome, simply a justification for the shifting goalposts from Tony Fauci and the rest of his goons. This sudden “revelation” in blue state governors is not scientific at all. The COVID data never changed — but DNC internal polling certainly has.
With all of the momentum behind Republicans, the question remains: will the GOP seize the moment, secure our bodily autonomy, and bring accountability to the officials that implemented the medical apartheid state? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has promised to establish a committee on China to investigate the origins of COVID-19. But that simply isn’t enough. Vaccine manufacturers are experimenting on 6-month-old children. According to Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva, impending jab mandates could cost his department 4,000 employees. Los Angeles experienced a 12% year-over-year climb in homicides in 2021. Blue state governors have claimed their hospitals are “overrun” while nurses are terminated in droves due to their vaccination status. Doctors that prescribe safe and effective early treatments such as Ivermectin risk losing their medical license. In South Carolina (where Republicans have created a state government trifecta), patients are being denied organ transplants because they refused the vaccine.
We are in an abusive relationship with a government that will stop at nothing to gaslight the unvaccinated and villianize parents who dare make health decisions for their own children.
Unfortunately, the GOP establishment remains horrifically passive on these issues. As the unvaccinated effectively became second-class citizens, Former President Donald Trump was busy touting his “fully-vaxxed and boosted” status and the “success” of Operation Warp Speed — which benefitted Pfizer shareholders far more than real America. Pfizer expects to rake in $54 billion in 2022 from their vaccine and oral antiviral pill.
What good is it for Republicans to take back the House and Senate when Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is still referring to January 6th as a “violent insurrection?” The solution lies in the upcoming GOP primaries. This is our opportunity to chase out the RINOs such as Texas Governor Greg Abbott who can’t keep the power on, has not secured the Texas southern border, and refuses to take action against the vaccine mandate for the Texas National Guard. If the personnel doesn’t change — neither will the policy.
Now that legacy media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC can no longer effectively pedal the COVID panic porn — they will pivot back to the smearing of January 6th political prisoners as “domestic terrorists” and convincing the masses that Earth’s lungs are burning.
The federal government has already instituted the necessary structure to shut down the country over any declared “public health emergency.” Physicians are now diagnosing their patients with “climate change.” Is it too far-fetched to imagine an Orwellian world in which leaders can adopt Greta Thunberg’s climate alarmism to justify mass shutdowns for our “health and safety?” Republicans could have prevented the irreparable damage that came as a result of the spring 2020 lockdowns. Instead, they kowtowed to the whims of big pharma and the highest-paid federal government employee: Anthony Fauci. Don’t trust them not to sell us out again when it is politically expedient.
They are finally forced to recognize that asymptomatic transmission is not a main driver of the virus, citing “case counts” is a scare tactic, and masking schoolchildren is abusive. The science has “changed?” No – the general population is finally starting to smell your bullshit. https://t.co/OoJ3HK4nsn
— Jacob Ornelas (@patriotjakey) February 9, 2022
Jacob Ornelas is a journalist, social media influencer, and contributor to Def-Con News. He has built a following of over 100,000 on the social media platform TikTok where he delivers daily headlines without the “legacy media spin.” His video podcast can be found exclusively on Instagram @PatriotJakey.