Democrats Really Suck At Valentines Day

Democrats suck at everything and Valentine’s Day is a thing so conventional wisdom says they suck at Valentine’s Day too. In fact, it’s a fact. The Democrats’ attempt at celebrating the love holiday ranges from cringey to creepy.

Let’s start out with cringe as Jill Biden has once again decorated the White House lawn with Valentine’s Day crap:

The big heart reads: Three things last forever – faith, hope, and love – and the greatest of these is love.

Right next to the heart is a rendition of their pets Commander and Willow. Missing is their former dog Major, who they gave away. I guess faith, hope, and love wasn’t forever for poor Major.

This decorations look like they were made in a kindergarten art class and I’m assuming Jill did these herself. That makes sense to anyone who’s ever read her PhD dissertation that looks like it was written by a toddler. Joe’s not the only one in the family with the mind of a child.

Next, here’s some creepy Biden administration Valentine’s Day action from the ATF:

Maybe that’s more psychotic than creepy or perhaps it’s both. The ATF is trying to get people to rat out their significant others as way to celebrate their love. There aren’t even words to describe how f*cked up that is.

And speaking of couple who should rat each other out, we go back to cringe for this Hillary Clinton Valentine’s day greeting:

Yes, nothing says love more than this rapey jackass and his sexual assault-enabling mother. Hillary should know that her sham marriage is not the symbol of enduring love she thinks it is. Also, why do all of her holiday greetings have pictures from 40 years ago? Does she think we don’t know she’s a bloated old lady?

Lastly, here’s some creepy cringe from The Democrats:

These are all pretty bad but I’m going to say “Be my Doug” is the worst. Could you imagine getting one of these Valentine’s Day cards from someone? I’d be tempted to call that ATF hotline and turn someone in if they gave me one of these.

The other thing to think about is someone was paid to create these and at some point a high-ranking democrat approved them. What a f*cking clown car the democratic party is.

What this shows is that democrats are incapable of doing anything without making it weird. Even when they aren’t pushing their whacko agenda or feigning outrage it’s still creepy and cringey. The reason for this is because they aren’t normal people.