Liberals Freak Out Over This .22 Caliber ‘Weapon Of War’ Marketed For Kids

If liberals can’t ban guns altogether, they insist that everyone must be trained to use them properly. The best time to train a person in safe usage of firearms is when they are young, but then liberals lose their shit because they say kids shouldn’t touch guns. A new .22 Caliber rifle, marketed for kids, has the left completely freaking out, calling it a “weapon of war” for children.

This is the WEE1 TACTICAL JR-15:

We are excited to announce that we will be presenting the JR-15 .22Cal Long Rifle this year! The JR-15 is the first in a line of shooting platforms that will safely help adults introduce children to the shooting sports.

Our goal from day one was to develop a shooting platform that was not only sized correctly, and safe, but also looks, feels, and operates just like Mom and Dad’s gun. Safety was so much at the forefront of our thought process that we developed and patented a tamper resistant safety that puts the adult in control of the firearms safety switch.

The JR-15 functions like a modern sporting rifle, however and most importantly its Lightweight & rugged polymer construction and Ergonomics are geared towards children. Additionally, its Single shot capable with a one round magazine

A single-shot .22 caliber rifle with a child-proof safety switch doesn’t sound all that menacing, and yet…

“There’s been youth shooting guns for 80 years, but there’s never been a youth AR-15. I’ve never seen one that’s just an egregiously tactical, offensive weapon of war,” said Ryan Busse, senior advisor for anti-gun group Giffords.

“Here’s a company that’s marketing child assault rifles, openly and clearly, without a hint of any second thought,” said Josh Sugarmann, founder and executive director of Violence Policy Center.

And Governor Hair Gel chimed in on this too:

Vile? Weapon of war? Assault weapon? These people are out of their minds.

What war has ever been fought with single-shot .22s? Did the Allies storm the beaches of Normandy with Savage Rascals? Did U.S. Marines fight the Vietcong in the Battle of Khe Sanh with KSA Youth Crickett Precision Rifles? Did SEAL Team 6 take out Osama bin Laden with an assortment of single-shot rim-fire rifles?

These JR-15s are plinkers, not weapons of war. This just goes to show that liberals think the scarier a gun looks, the more lethal it is.

The other thing liberals should consider is that these guns are marketed for kids, not to kids, Children can’t purchase firearms, their parents can. This unfounded hysteria has liberals acting as if kids can walk into a toy store, buy a JR-15, and then go on a killing spree.

While we’re on the subject, how many mass shootings have been perpetrated by a child with a single-shot .22 caliber gun? I don’t even need to look it up to know that it’s zero.

As a child I learned to shoot with a .22 rifle and I’ve never accidentally shot someone or gone on a deadly rampage. Kids learning to safely handle and operate firearms is a hell of lot more beneficial to society than teaching Critical Race Theory or homoeroticism.