Is the Biden Gang Using the Russia-Ukraine ‘Conflict’ as a Scapegoat for High Gas Prices, Inflation and the Pending Economic Collapse?

Is The Regime focusing on Russia and Ukraine in order to blame this ‘conflict’ for high gas prices, inflation, and the pending collapsing economy?

Foolish question, yes, however, if we don’t ask it, the democrat-communist cult will easily be given a free pass. And perhaps of greater concern may be that The Regime’s obfuscation on the home front does not cause a European or World War by way of their insane machinations.

This from

The Conservative Treehouse asks if Biden’s handlers are using the Russia and Ukraine mess for the economic mess they have created.

Within the book of instructions for the ideological Chicago crew (Alinsky peeps), there are chapters on how to create off-ramps to cloud their agenda. If they need a bigger cloud, they create a bigger crisis. The crisis then becomes the cover, the justification to explain the outcomes of their agenda.

In the latest example, the White House is shifting blame for the collapsing economy, surging oil prices, massive gas price increases and overall U.S. inflation.

The manufactured crisis in Ukraine then takes on a geopolitical angle and a domestic angle.  The prior rate of inflation is now being blamed on Russia-Ukraine.

And it all is summed up in one little two-word phrase:

The economic consequences from climate change policy were always considered the biggest hurdle.  The pain that would be felt by the working-class folks, would need to be managed. This is the reason why false justifications for economic pain are collectively pushed by media. The media do not need to be told what to do, they already know the larger goal is pretending not to know things.

As a result, the domestic political elites are managing the pitchforks by distracting voters about the cause.  If you do not buy into their obtuse justifications, well, you then become a target—ergo, a conspiracy theorist.

Climate change policy is a tool, a means to an end.

COVID-19 policy is a tool, a means to an end.

Behind all the layers of obfuscation you find all the individual roadmaps converge onto a single path that leads to centralized control.

BIDEN ECONOMY: US Debt Surpasses the $30 Trillion Mark for the First Time in History

Gas prices are as high as they were under Obama/Biden and the US is no longer energy independent:

After Being Energy Independent for First Time in Decades in 2020, US Became Energy Importer in 2021 and Projections Are 2022 Will Be Worse

Blame will not fall upon the shoulders of those responsible. The mass propaganda media will ensure that.

And any of us who fail to mildly accept the crumbling economy and all that goes with it are labeled ‘The Problem’ which, again, is ensured to be a success thanks to the mass propaganda media.

But let us not forget what may be a greater concern. The Regime involving itself in European growing pains, as inept as it is, has the potential to bring about an unnecessary war.

To paraphrase one political puppet speaking about another political puppet: Don’t underestimate Joe-Joe’s ability to f**k things up.

Final thought, a question: When the time comes for We the People to throw off this cloak of corruption which binds us, which institution will first receive our attention, the democrat-communist cult or their collaborators and corroborators the mass propaganda media?

God speed to the powers of right and true.