John Kerry Warns Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Could Trigger Global War(ming)

Russia has launched a full-scale assault on Ukraine, targeting military and civilian targets. This is possibly the beginning of WWIII and could trigger a global war. John Kerry on the other hand is worried it could trigger global warming. The Biden administration, which allowed the Russian aggression, thinks the worst part about this invasion is the effects on climate change.

Joe Biden’s Climate Czar really nailed the most important consequences of Russia’s declaration of war on Ukraine in this BBC Arabic interview:

“But massive emissions consequences to the war – but equally importantly, you’re going to lose people’s focus, you’re going to lose certainly big country attention because they will be diverted and I think it could have a damaging impact,” said Kerry.

The carbon footprint of Russia’s war machine pales in comparison to the ecological damage caused by John Kerry’s private jet that he flies around the world to bloviate.

Also, the actual problem with the Russian invasion isn’t that people will lose focus on global warming, it’s that a global war may result from it. Certainly the death and suffering of the Ukraine people ranks higher in priority than shaming people into buying electric cars.

Kerry, the diplomacy genius who brokered a deal with Iran to pay them to develop nuclear weapons, has a sure-fire plan to get Russian president Vladimir Putin to withdraw his troops:

“So, you know, I think hopefully President Putin would realize that in the northern part of his country, they used to live on 66% of the nation that was over frozen land. Now it’s thawing, and his infrastructure is at risk,” he added. “And the people of Russia are at risk. And so I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate,” said Kerry.

I’m sure Putin is going: “Oh shit, I never considered the global warming consequences of my evil actions. Maybe I should pull the troops out and give this thing a second thought.”

Or not.

To Al Sharpton, everything is racism. To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, everything is sexism. John Kerry is another in a long list of liberals with single-issue blinders on. For him, everything is global warming from “an AR-16 with a long clip” to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ironically, the only thing that ain’t global warming to Kerry is his own shameless carbon footprint.

John Kerry was Obama’s Secretary of State when Russia stole the Crimea region from Ukraine in 2014. He is now a top envoy of the Biden administration as Russia decimates Ukraine. It’s weird how Donald Trump was “Putin’s puppet” but Russia only seems to invade Ukraine when a democrat is in the White House.

The big takeaway here is that John Kerry is the type of incompetent buffoon that infests the Biden administration. With all these clowns packed into one regime, it’s no wonder the country and the world is such a mess.