Most Americans Have Sense and Can Evaluate the Evidence–They Now Know It Was All Lies About Trump, Russia, and Ukraine

Oddly enough democrats and many in liberal media are delusional that somehow Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the fault of President Trump.

This from

For example, recently the talking heads on The View blamed Trump and Republicans for The Regime’s catastrophe in Europe. One of them even lamenting that her Italian vacation would be further delayed as a result.

And what about the unindicted Alexander Vindman? He’s actually now suing Trump, Jr., Rudy Giuliani, and others for allegedly seeking to punish him for testifying in the first farcical impeachment of President Trump.
[F]ew people have stepped in it more than Vindman, and now he’s eating it big time, being on the wrong side of history. Although he’d never acknowledge how wrong he has been. He’s still blaming Trump.

“It’s because of Trump’s corruption that we have a less capable, less prepared Ukraine,” he said to Vice, propounding on the invasion. He said Trump was “absolutely” at fault for the invasion.

Notedly, democrats delusionally refuse to place the blame where it belongs.

Trump was last in office in January 2021.

It wasn’t on President Trump’s watch that Putin invaded Ukraine—this has been the watch of the inept, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

[D]espite the lies Democrats have pushed about Trump—he was the strong one on Russia and Putin knew it. Putin wasn’t willing to test Trump.

Trump was willing to pull the trigger to drop bombs on the heads of Russians for daring to fire near us in Syria. 

As previously noted, President Trump gave Germany a dressing down for getting in bed with Putin on oil and making Europe dependent on Russia.

What sense did it make when the whole purpose of NATO was to protect against Russia, Trump asked, and he chastised them for doing it?

Trump was right again. Watch below:

Biden not only didn’t seem to care about the dangers of accepting oil from Russia, but he also increased the United States’ oil buying from Russia while cutting our options for production.

[He also] waived sanctions on Nord Stream 2, and then even greenlit for the Russians that a ‘minor incursion’ wouldn’t get severe backlash (although he later tried to clean that up).

Even up to Friday, Biden’s sanctions weren’t designed to hit Russia where Putin lived.

Now, we all know this, but what are Americans out there in general thinking about all this?

Are they buying what democrats and many of the liberal media are trying to sell? Certainly not, and that’s a resounding no.

A new Harvard Center for American Political Studies (CAPS)-Harris Poll survey released Friday found that 62 percent of those polled believed Putin would not be moving against Ukraine if Trump had been president.

When looking strictly at the answers of Democrats and Republicans, 85 percent of Republicans and 38 percent of Democrats answered this way.

Even 38 percent of democrats know the democrats’ argument is nonsense and believe Putin wouldn’t have invaded if Trump were still in office.

A majority of Americans polled59 percentalso said they believed that the Russian president moved on Ukraine because Putin saw weakness in Biden, while 41 percent said that it was not a factor in Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine.

Not only did they call Biden out on Ukraine, but the poll also put Biden at 38 percent approval, one of his lowest numbers so far.

“On the eve of his State of the Union, [Joe-Joe] has hit a new low as inflation and economic anxiety hit new highs. [He] is now underwater on every top domestic and foreign policy issue,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey.

The same poll found that 64 percent of registered voters said Biden is “too lenient” with Russia, while 31 percent said he handles Russia “just right.” Five percent said he’s “too tough.”

Again, most Americans have sense and can evaluate the evidence.

They can see that Joe-Joe’s handlers are purposely diminishing, if not outright destroying, America one blunder, one catastrophe at a time.

And the only differences in The Regime’s sixteen-year plan from its original development:

President Trump turned sixteen in twenty years by defeating Hillary and Joe-Joe is now the patsy suffering the blame for Obama’s (Read: Soros et al) planned and executed diminishment/destruction of America rather than Hillary.

You are dearly missed, President Trump. Hurry back, please.

Make America Great Again.