Houston Precinct Allows Only Democrats to Vote—Understaffed and CLOSED to Republicans #TexasPrimary

A shocking video came out of Houston, Texas, yesterday where a precinct official turned away voters who intended to vote Republican, telling them that they were understaffed and only those voting Democrat could vote.

This from therightscoop.com.


This is the citizen at the precinct trying to vote. He was the one filming:

The citizen appealed to a judge there for the number to report this, but the judge would not help and walked away:

We all know what this is and it is truly absurd and must be investigated right away.

This has the appearance of another stolen election. Who needs drop boxes, mail in voting, or ballot harvesting when Republican voters will simply be turned away.

And this is happening in the United States of America—Texas—not Albania or Yemen or North Korea where you’d expect something like this.

The democrat-communists are not only turning our once-great nation city-by-city into a third-world sh*thole, but they are violating the constitution to do so, and they are committing these crimes with impunity.

Conservatives and Republicans will have to openly, en masse demand equal rights before this ongoing problem will ever be resolved.

Must Republican voters perform a U.S. Vehicle Convoy to D.C. to get our representatives attention?

Millions of us are trying to remain positive, but each day, it seems, further rationale slaps us in the face to tell us this sh*t has got to be changed.

God speed to the powers of right and true.

And may God bless America.