PHOTOS: Citizens Of Kyiv Show Americans The Proper Way To Deal With Criminal Thugs

Are you disgusted with reading about Kyiv and Ukraine yet? How about one last article? For the road. So to speak. For the Ukranian road.

This one is a bit different. Think of it as an instruction manual with almost as many pictures as words. However, each picture is worth a thousand words, right?

This from

A big problem for residents of large Ukrainian cities has been highway robbery on the roads leading out of town to the countryside.


Hundreds of thousands of automobiles make their way ever so slowly away from the terrors of war.


And the damned opportunists of the population trouble the innocents as they try to escape with their valuables and available cash.


The good news is, however, the good citizens of Kyiv have resourcefully devised a solution to the problem.


Perhaps Americans will one day soon adopt this ingenious maneuver. And quickly thereafter this remedy may very well be found to work equally well on politicians.

Imagine Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Graham, and Romney (to name too few) all strapped to poles throughout D.C. in a like manner–red shrink wrap for republicans and blue for democrats. What color for RINOs?


Now, where is a police officer when you need one? This person (Read: thug) must be arrested for indecent exposure.

We must think of the children, after all.