“Have we learned NOTHING?” Netanyahu blasts Biden for CONTINUING Iran nuke talks after ROCKET ATTACK

Benjamin Netanyahu, former Prime Minister of Israel, called out Biden’s “absurd” and “downright dangerous” rush to charge ahead with his “wimpy negotiations with Iran that will turn the terror state into a nuclear power.”

This from therightscoop.com.

Yesterday, Iran fired missiles in the vicinity of the American consulate in Iraq, and the US continues to charge ahead, along with the other powers, to sign a nuclear agreement that will give the ayatollahs a nuclear arsenal, said Netanyahu.


We should not let an aggressive rogue terrorist regime like Iran have nuclear weapons. Have we learned nothing?


Click HERE to view Netanyahu’s 1:16-minute message.


Not to mention that we’re working Putin in this raw deal that was started by Obama.


It may not be the case that Biden and the Democrats want America destroyed completely. It’s just that their actions are indistinguishable from someone who does.

Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency quoted Iraqi media acknowledging the attacks, without saying where they originated.

The following from sarahpalin.com.

Iran attacked Iraq’s northern city of Erbil on Sunday with a dozen ballistic missiles in an unprecedented assault on the capital of the autonomous Iraqi Kurdish region.

This attack appeared to target the United States and its allies.

The missiles came down in areas near a new U.S. consulate building, according to Kurdish officials.

U.S. officials said no Americans were hurt nor were U.S. facilities hit. Kurdish authorities said only one civilian was hurt and no one killed.

Today Benjamin Netanyahu sent the above message to try to talk sense into Joe-Joe Biden. And if not Biden, hopefully the puppet master, Barack Obama, felt heat from the verbal attack. It was directed at him too. The nuclear deal with Iran is his baby—suicidal as it is.

The United States, and the World, is in dire need of intelligent, conservative leadership at this very moment. Instead, our nation is being led by psychotic, suicidal radical zealots.

May God bless America.

May God bless the World.

And God speed to the powers of right and true.