‘Unconscionable’: House Democrats Just Blocked the American Energy Independence from Russia Act

A bill that would restart the Keystone XL Pipeline project as a first step to ensuring America’s energy independence amid skyrocketing fuel prices was kicked back into committee Wednesday by House democrats.

This from westernjournal.com.

Joe-Joe Biden canceled the pipeline on his first day in office, claiming in his executive order that it “would not serve the U.S. national interest” and “would undermine U.S. climate leadership.”

House Republicans sought to open floor debate on the bill to restart the project, HR 6858, which has been shuffled into committees and subcommittees by majority democrats since it was introduced in February by Republican Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington.

“House Dems just voted against a measure by @HouseGOP to consider the American Energy Independence from Russia Act — a critical bill that would unleash American energy production,” Republican Rep. Stephanie Bice of Oklahoma tweeted Wednesday.

“Clearly, Dems don’t care about solving our crushing energy crisis,” she said. “Unbelievable!”
Alexis Martinez Johnson, an environmental engineer and a Republican candidate for New Mexico’s 3rd Congressional District, criticized democrats in general and Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez of New Mexico in particular for blocking the bill from consideration.
“It is unacceptable and appalling,” she said, according to Fox News.

“Here in New Mexico, we are blessed with one of the most energy-rich and energy-diverse states in the country,” Martinez Johnson said.

“We could be powering the nation, creating high-paying jobs where they are desperately needed, and reinforcing our national security all through our abundant resources,” she said. “Instead, we are being drowned in high gas prices while the world becomes less stable every day. It’s unconscionable.”

“From my perspective as an Environmental Engineer, it is infuriating to see my neighbors suffering because Leger Fernandez refuses to help unlock our state’s tremendous energy potential,” the Republican added.

McMorris Rodgers introduced the bill days after Russian leader Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.

“The American Energy Independence from Russia Act will immediately approve the Keystone XL pipeline, unleash U.S. LNG exports to boost natural gas production, restart oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters, and protect energy and mineral development from attacks by the Biden administration,” she said.

McMorris Rodgers said the bill would strengthen America and weaken Russia.

“To counter Putin, our bill flips the switch to promote American energy jobs, production, and exports. America must shut down Putin’s war chest and stop bloodshed in Ukraine, and this legislation is a vital step in achieving those goals,” she said.

Final thought, a bewildered set of questions: We understand drunken bitter Fran Nan has a death grip hold on the democrat side of the House, but what causes each democrat to continuously vote against the well-being of the nation and against the well-being of their constituents?

They must be able to see that Nancy as well as the entirety of the democrat leadership are bent on diminishing and eventually ending the existence of the Constitutional Republic called The United States of America, yes?

Are they being financially rewarded for their suicidal votes? Or is it blackmail? Or are they or their families being physically threatened? None of this can be likely, can it?

And if none of the above, the answer must be in the cult of radical liberalism—consider that many of them are escaping by not seeking re-election—thirty-three at last count.