WATCH: Woman who yelled out “He’s a man!” SCHOOLS some dipstick trying to defend Lia Thomas

Thursday you may have been informed about Lia Thomas and his unfair victory in the women’s swimming competition.

This from

The Right Scoop also highlighted how one outspoken woman yelled out “he’s a man!” a couple of times while Thomas was congratulating himself.

That same woman was apparently challenged by someone near her who was defending Thomas and she absolutely schooled him.

It was caught on camera:


Click HERE to view a comical exchange of the obvious.


Here is the best part of the exchange (but there is more—watch the video):

WOMAN: “You think his body is the same as the other girls in the pool? Are you saying he doesn’t have male organs?”

DIPSTICK: “I don’t think that ‘she’ – you are twisting words and I think you have no idea…”

WOMAN: “No, I’m a woman and that’s not a woman. Do you have ovaries?”

DIPSTICK: “Can I ask you a question? Are you a biologist?”

WOMAN: “Oh my god, don’t be ridiculous. I’m not a vet but I know what a dog is!”

BOOM! That is a perfect response and it is the absolute truth.

This overly woke guy is lying to himself about Thomas and he can’t defend his position other than to ask for more “conversation” because he is without a logical, biological defense.

This practical lady hit him with a KO metaphorically right in his male package—and the match was over.

Touche lady.

And God speed to the powers of right and true.